插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang

Free as a bird
W h e e z e-

I got exams tomorrow and, for some reason, I’m not asleep yet. Oh wait- I know why- because I’m an insomniac with anemia- arguably the worst combination to have when you need sleep. To be honest though, I don’t think I can find it within myself to care anymore. I think I’ve gotten back to that place I was in a few months ago when everything just seemed pointless. It’s like... life’s lost all colour, if that makes sense. It probably doesn’t but that’s the only way I know how to describe it atm. I should at least try to get some sleep though. Oooh! I forgot to say but the QnA is still open and I’ll post the answers to the questions next week maybe. I’m too busy this week as I have 6+ exams so I likely won’t post or be on until next week. Other than all that boring life stuff though, imma introduce my two Impim babies; Hank and Billie.
Here’s their respective TH profiles;

I love them both dearly already uwu


Guess who’s back-

Color Pop’s back, bois. She’s finally come home after a long time on the road. Who knew my essay (which I thought was shit, honestly-) would be well written enough to get her back from the person I traded her to. I will say now that I don’t regret trading her, though. I think the time away from her and Heillious showed me just how important and how much they mean to me. Without the time apart from them, I don’t think I would’ve been able to realise that so, in a way, I’m grateful for this lesson and the opportunity to get them both back. Now, I gotta attempt to get HP back too and then I’ll be happy. Wish me luck, kiddos!

For those who may want to read the aforementioned essay;


  • Congrats on getting her back!

Probably important... maybe-

I think I may leave MediBang. Don’t get me wrong, I really like it on here but it’s just not... the same anymore. I’m rarely ever on here anymore because, admittedly, DeviantArt’s a lot better but I’m kinda hesitating because I have friends here... and part of me doesn’t want to leave all of this behind. It’s familiar but foreign at the same time, if that makes any sense. Idk- no one may care if I leave tbh but I felt like if I up and left without so much as a word, I’d start worrying people. Last thing I want is people wondering if I’m dead or smth. Which is likely but I’m not about to actively admit that now. No one would care probably so maybe this is for nothing. Idk- I’ll think it over though. Maybe.


  • I’d care. But if you feel like you need to leave or take a break, then feel free! Whatever makes you feel better.

  • Don't feel guilty! I'm sure everyone will be accepting, and it's not like you're going away completely, there's still deviantart!👍

  • I would care. I understand if you want to leave though

  • don't feel bad, i'm leaving in a couple weeks or so too also, i agree on some of the stuff you said~

Uhh... I need help

So, I’m screwed. The one time my art teacher’s like “Draw your own characters and throw some ink on that shit, kid” I don’t actually have anyone to draw. So yeah- that why I’m making this. I’m currently looking for characters I can draw for a project in art so that I can pass and get onto the course I desire. Though, I’m limited as to what characters I can draw since only a select few actually fit the theme I’m looking for.
I have this journal here https://www.deviantart.com/spicyorion/journal/Looking-for-CS-and-characters-to-draw-OPEN-796349471
That specifies what theme and type I’m looking for. If you have any that you believe fit this criteria, link them in a comment and I’ll take a look. And if you don’t, that’s fine too- but please share this- I really gotta get onto this course, man T^T



So uh... Im looking to get a redesign for Amber. Since I got Clover redesigned, I was sorta hoping to get one for Amber too. I’m willing to offer any form of payment (within reason, obviously-) for the help. If Amber is to be redesigned, all I ask is that her colours remain the same and that she keeps her flower crown and the colours. Other than that, go nuts with it- I’m not picky with patterns but I will be slightly picky with overall designs.

Anyways, here’s Amber’s TH; https://toyhou.se/3558251.amber


  • > ☁︎Orion☁︎ oi its not working, and when i tried the toyhouse link it wouldn't let me look at them due to me not having a toyhouse. Could you maybe post them on medi or myspace?

  • > Emberblaze was murdered Does this one work? https://toyhou.se/3558251.amber

  • > blue.exe Yah it says invalid character for me too

  • I could try again

W H A T I S T H I S-

So, the Sonic the Hedgehog movie trailer is out and it looks... absolutely terrifying. I mean- I don’t think I ever remembered Sobic being able to use the rings as a means of travel in the ways of teleportation but o k a y-

I honestly am lost. Sonic’s design is definitely something from a weird, drug induced fever dream- you can’t honestly look me in the eye and say that it isn’t. With the human teeth and lips and, not too mention, how... human he looks- I’m just not about it. I’m just not. And Jim Cerry as Eggman? Okay, that bit I’m okay with but everything else is kinda worrisome- mostly just Sonic’s design though.

It looks so Nightmare inducing that I can’t help absolutely loving it. Yeah, it’s still mortifying but it’s weirdly endearing too. Idk- maybe I’m just high on the lack of sleep I’ve had over the last few days.

But what do you guys think about it? I’ve already had my two cents so what about you?

Cuz I think imma go watch it and actually enjoy it since I’m quite a big Sonic fan so... yeah. I’m trash for bad live action movies of my favourite gaming franchises.

If you haven’t seen it yet, here’s the trailer. But watch at your own risk;


  • > blue.exe Same

  • Omg i saw it and im like dafuq!!! I dont wanna see amy and knuckles🙅🏻‍♀️plus eggman is supposed to be wearing the freaking goggles all the time🤦🏻‍♀️

  • I can’t- I thought the fandom was severely dying???? Bye the end of the movie it’ll be dead

Requests one, hon-

Im bored. I’ve been working on adopt payments and things pretty much the whole day and I want something else to draw preferably. I was gonna draw some of my newer bbys but I cba to decide on who to draw rn. So, imma do requests instead. I’ll only be taking like... two since I’m kinda tired but yk- just throw children at me and I’ll draw them, I guess. But yeah- speaking of new bbys, here are some of them;

I love them sm-

I do have others I gotta upload but I’ll do that later probably-


  • Awwwwwwwwwww

  • I love these sm!!

  • (sorry wrong link) https://medibang.com/picture/uo1902200616146750005760039

  • > Loobydoo Poppycock draw my chiald ceconi (hes a boy) https://medibang.com/picture/7o1904240951326100005760039

Update+ extra TH code!

So, I’m currently working on some of the adopt related art I owe over on DA and making a making plans for new adopts and things. I’ll also probably start writing some of the story on Goharon’s Trial and post it on DA as a sort of... “sneak peak”, I guess. But I’m sure that’s not what you all came here for. As the title states, I have a TH code gifted to me by Loafbud on DA that I wish to give to someone. Initially, I really struggled to think of who to give this to (I still kinda am struggling tbh-) so I’d like people to nominate someone they think would like to have a Toyhou.se. I’d like a reason as to why you nominated them. You cannot nominate yourself so, if I’ve found out you’ve done so, you will definitely not be in the running. The person with the best reason will have the person they nominated gifted the code.


  • I think 💕OneHappyTallCracker💕 could really use one because they have been very desperate for one.

  • AACK I'm trying to think of someone that's asked for one recentlyy

Just lemme cripple and die, man

I’m sick. Again. And there are drunk assholes screaming outside my house at fucking 11pm. I think they might be getting murdered but I can’t see properly rn so I have no idea. Honestly, I’m falling apart. I’m sick almost all,the time- in one way or another or there’s something wrong with me. It’s a pain in the ass. I’m tired an miserable almost all the time and my exams are in less than a months and everything’s just shitty. I’ll get over but, for now, imma bitch about it since that’s all I can really do.


  • Aw no! I'm so sorry to here that! I'll keep you in mind and hope you'll get better

High on Sleep Deprivation

So, I had this weird thought during today, right. It was pretty fucking weird but I was basically checked out the entire day since I’ve been ill on and off for the past week or so. So, I’ve been rewatching all of my childhood shows and looking back on them all now that I’m older, I reasoned just how dark some of it really is. Think about it, right- Danny Phantom; a half dead teenager who’s ghost is permanently attactched to his body- forever in limbo. Ben Tennyson; a fucking child fighting wars against aliens and suffering from an extreme amount of trauma- leading to more than a few mental issues. Rex Salazar; a weapon in the form of a 17 year old boy- forced to fight and possibly kill monsters very few others can face- also probably suffering from trauma. Zak Saturday; forever bound with a maniacal god and haunted by his own powers. Jake Long; hunted for his dragon lineage and forced to hide his identity to keep his family and friends safe. Randy Cunningham; a freshman destined to fight the forces of evil in his hometown at a pivotal point in his life. These kids get absolutely fucked over by fate, man. They’ve all come close to death or have actually died multiple times- more times than I can currently remember. They’re all forced into these roles without being able to say “Hey, I don’t wanna do that.” Danny didn’t decide to fucking die; Ben didn’t decide to have the Omnitrix attach itself to his wrist at the age of 10; Randy didn’t decide to become the next Ninja; Rex didn’t decide to be put in a life or death situation where nanites were his only way of survival; Jake didn’t decide to be born a dragon and Zak didn’t decide to have Kur’s power bond with him. None of them get a choice and I honestly think that fucking sucks. But yeah, I needed to rant and honestly- I’ve been thinking about this for waaaaaay too long.


  • I mean, you're not wrong!

  • Wow

Imma throw myself into the sun-

I’m so bored. I’m lacking so much motivation rn that it’s actually slightly worrying. I wanna draw but genuinely cannot be asked atm- like, I still gotta draw all the Goharon’s Trial characters, make up backstories, plan out a map of their world, figure out what the fuck I’m gonna do with the surplus of character concepts that just exist and farm on MSL. On top of that, I have a few pieces of art I owe but still haven’t gotten around to drawing as of yet.
Everthing’s just going ass up rn. On a slightly better note, I have started fleshing out Torrey a bit more so that’s one less character I’ve got to worry about. I also finally got my Jolle and I’m so happy it’s unreal-


  • Your art us absolutely amazing But... OMG THAT LIL JOLLE BEAN IS SO CUTE HOW?!?!?!?!?!?!??!

  • all of these are hapdbewjwiebebepdjfbrneksb i LoVe ThEM aLL

  • Theeeeese are sooo coot Looking at your art makes me loose motivation QwQ

  • I hope you'll get your motivation back soon!


So, this is quite important, actually. I’ve made a group on DA for the Aexenol species I made. I’m currently working on trait sheets and such but they’re a long time in the works rn with school and whatnot. I’m looking for admins that’d help me out a bit with the species and events and things. It’d be nice to find people who can handle things in the group when I’m too busy. That’s about it really for now, though.


  • can i help? i have DA!

  • Wish I had a deviantart to help you! :/

Important I guess??

It has been a while since I’ve made one of these so here, I guess. I’m currently stuck on -what I think- is a pretty important decision. My 16th birthday is on the 18th and while I’ve figured out what I want, I don’t know what exactly to do with it. Lemme explain- so, I’m getting core on DA (since I kinda spend more time on there and TH than I do anywhere else-) and a but load of points. Probably between 6000 and 8000 but I’m currently stuck on what to do with ‘em. I wanna buy myself an adopt as present to... well... myself but I’m not actually sure what exactly I should buy. At the moment, I kinda want to buy a Jolleraptor uncommon MYO slot but I also don’t know whether to just wait and see if I find an adopt I absolutely fall in love with. I do reeeeeeally like Jolles tho- I kinda really want one but Jesus are the MYOs expensive. I know I definitely wanna get an icon and a pagedoll of Allison and Clover but outside of that, I’m up for ideas, really. Adopts, commissions, closed species- throw ‘em at me uwu


  • The jollerraptors sound like a good idea

  • I do have comms/customs open if your interested 👀

Lowkey might kermit-

I’ve got 6 exams over the next few days and I wanna smash my head into something. Hard. Hard enough that I end up with a concussion or worse, I know that’s an awful thing to say but honestly- it feels like my only option rn. Idk if that’s the depression talking or not (probably is tbh) but I’m gonna try nonetheless. I also have a college interview after school on Wednesday so that’s... also great. Tha Ara kind the reason I haven’t been posting very frequently, actually. My real exams are getting pretty close and revision is taking up a hell of a lot of time rn- that, combined with all the appointments I have to go to. It’s just kinda a train wreck rn, you know? I probably won’t be on much of a schedule because of everything that’s going on but I’ll try to post and comment or write things like this often enough for people not to assume I up and died.


  • Oh ugh that sucks Hope you make it through this in one peice

  • That sounds tough but,you can overcome this! Just remember to never value your grades over your mental and physical wellbeing!I Sorry if that sounds cheesy ;-;

Mini announcement

So, it’s been... what- three days? I apologise for my sudden disappearance but I needed the emergency break. I haven’t drawn a whole lot over the past few days but I’m starting to get back into the swing of things now. While that’s sorta news, I guess- that isn’t exactly what I wanted to discuss. What I wanted to say is that I’ve finally got a Toyhou.se! This way, I’ll have a place where I can sort out all of the characters I have! I’ll be more organised when it comes to offers now, hopefully!


  • > ☁︎SpicyOrion☁︎ okie!! found you!!!

  • > Sparklekitten235Alt SpicyOrion- the same as this acc and my da one

  • What’s your Toyhouse?

  • So glad your back!

A lack of reasons-

I’m... going through a particularly... ‘rough’ patch right now though... I’m not at all sure why. I’m running out of reasons to do the things I do on a normal basis. Things like “Why should I get out of bed?”; “Why should I talk to others?”; “Why should I draw?” It’s genuinly becoming a bigger problem as the days go on. I’m not sure if it’s because I’m tired all the time, have no motivation or both, really. That reminds me- to all the people I owe art to in some way, shape or form, I’ll try to post it next week since it’s halfterm.


  • > Emberblaze Not really... I appreciate the offer though ^^;

  • Oh wow Is there anything I can do to help?

  • Maybe... I’ll take one after I get everything done

  • Maybe you need to take a break?

THis iS wHY I hAVe InSOmniA

Nightmares. Great things really- scaring the shit out of you in your sleep and the reason behind my chronic insomnia. It’s funny, actually- I have anemia which is meant to make you stupidly tired as a symptom yet I also have insomnia. You think they’d cancel each other out but nO. They both just work to fucc yOU UP. Which makes no damn sense- if I’m on the brink of passing out from the insomnia- surely I’d sleep but no- I do not. I honestly think I might need sleeping pills at this point- it’s just getting out of hand and I’m exhausted 24/7.


  • Try using some herbs, if you want I can recommend some, I've been having a sort of insomnia myself and the herbs I took has really been helping.

  • That sucks

Habits of the Heart

Didn’t mean to name this thing after a song but oh well. So... I kinda have a little thing I was planning to do on Valentine’s Day. There’s this girl I used to date and we were really close n’ stuff but we broke up cuz of this guy. I felt like it was kinda my fault since I let my insecurities about my sexuality get in the way of things. We kinda took a break for a while but we’re still really close now, actually- she’s one of my best friends- second only to my sister-from-another-mother, Bon. I don’t know whether to do it or not but I wanna ask her out again. Some part of me thinks that it’s an awful idea but there wouldn’t really be any sort of reprocussions if she said no- I think I’m just worrying out of courtesy, really. Should I ask her? Shouldn’t I? I dunno- a few of my other friends irl are like “fuckin’ go for it, ya pussy” which, I do appreciate the sentiment behind what they’re saying... just not how they phrased it. But yeah! I kinda just want opinions on whether I should or shouldn’t do it .w.;


  • I agree with loobydoo

  • Well, like you said, there wouldn't be any repercussions if she said no right? But I get the anxiety through, really. If you're sure that you want another shot at a relationship, then do what you want to do!

Allison sketches+ mini update

So, these are some sketches of Allison post-coronation, pre-coronation and humanoid. For the longest time, I haven’t been able to say exactly what he or the rest of his family (aside from his other mother Dahlia and his sister Torrey) is, species wise. I might make a ref sheet on the Dragonian Royal family and I may or may not make them a species (?). Though, if I did do that, they’d have to be a closed one... as they are, well, royals. That aside, I’ll probably post Allison’s backstory rather soon so there’s a little more context behind who he is a person (??). I’ll also probably post some art of his siblings and the rest of his family soon too- including Ellina’s generation n’ stuff. Idk if anyone would be interested but I really wanna get this down somewhere.


  • Great job😻😀😀

  • Cool! And those sketches are adorable!

  • Sounds interesting!

*wheezes in Portuguese*

I’m honestly exhausted. School’s become a lot, I have no time to myself anymore, being at home is absolutely awful rn and I just... I dunno what to do. Drawing is becoming less and less of a safe place atm though, I’m not entirely sure why just yet. I’m honestly not sure about a lot of things, really. I mean- considering I start college next academic year and I’m supposed to get good results from my GCSEs, I have little to nothing to worry or fret over. I really wish my anxiety and depression- ridden brain would understand that but n o. Off that topic though... I did a little sketch of Allison at school and I’m so proud?? But yeah, you can call this a “life update” of sorts.


  • WoW yOu bE wAy olDer ThAn mE

  • I hope that things get easier soon. Wish I could do something to help!