Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Free as a bird
Nothin’ important

So, I finally watched Venom today and holy shit- it was awesome. I know it’s probably old news to everyone at this point but the movie was actually fucking amazing?? Idk- I lowkey am a slut for anything Venom or Spider-man related tbh so of course I’d say that. But it was really good! Some of the people in my class said it was boring at some points but I really enjouyed the whole movie- from beginning to end. I think they did an amazing job with Venom and Eddy’s characters- like, I was honestly scared that they’d mess up there but Venom is honestly the best symbiote asshole uncle to ever exist and I just relate to Eddy’s struggles tbh. Ooooh! And the end credit sequence was badass too! I heard the song and I looked my mama dead in the eye and said “Is that... Eminem?” And I listened till the end just to make sure it was. I’ve been listening to this song for the past hour... I need help.

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Dumb rant-

This is bullshit. Whatever’s going on is just stupid and needs to stop. I do not condone pointless pissing contests over who can get the most people to hate another person. It’s ridiculous and immature and it needs to stop now. I don’t care what happened or who started what but it needs to stop. Someone needs to learn to be the bigger person and either apologise or just move on. Now don’t come to me with your aggressive “um actually”s and “it’s my opinion”- quite frankly, I don’t give a shit. The fact that you’re continuing to argue your own point for a certain side shows your inability to fully understand and make an unbiased decision. You can have your opinions but that doesn’t mean anyone has to agree and vice versa- just stop being brats about it. This is a community of artists- not a fucking Primary school playground- so start acting like you belong here and contribute something useful to the community leave. We’re all allowed to form opinions of those around us but being abrasive and stupid about said opinions is immature. As artists, we can express our feelings in the form of something... worth admiring- not witch hunting. So learn to be a civil human being or get the fuck out. Simple as.

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  • 👌👌 goodnight!

  • > Loobydoo Poppycock Will do, comrade

  • > Loobydoo Poppycock Jesus- I hope it’s not tied to this- too many people have gone or stopped being friends cuz of this

  • > ☁︎SpicyOrion☁︎ I'm going to bed now, please try to notify me if anything else goes down

Smol update

So, I went to the doctor today and found out I have medium to severe depression. He’s referring me to a psychiatrist to see if I’ll need antidepressants or not but my parents want it to be the last resort if all else fails so that’s great.... if I’m honest, it still freaks me out that all this time my jokes about me having depression are a little more than just jokes... I’ll probably tell my friedns irl on Monday. Uhhh... once I finish Ney’s design trade, I’ll probably do another one or two (depending on how ambitious I feel) so just lemme know in the comments if you’re interested or wanna ask me any further questions, I guess qwq

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  • Can we do a design trade? I think I have le depresso coffee also

  • You okay?

  • But also.....can I do a design trade with you...?

  • I really hope you get better ;-;

Ignore this please-

So I’m kinda in the middle of having one of my “episodes” again. It started really early yesterday- like, when I first woke up for school kinda early. The moment I woke up, I immediately thought “I can’t do this.” Granted, I’ve thought that before and just forgotten about it and gone on about my day. However, this time was awful. I mean- I honestly wanted to go back to sleep and never wake up again (Well, I’m here posting this now so clearly that didn’t work-). I didn’t eat breakfast either (which I ,admittedly, haven’t been doing for the past couple of weeks) and just went to the living room to draw. Around half an hour before my sister and I had to leave for school, my mama asked me if I was alright and I just... broke down. I think I scare her, honestly. My mother honestly doesn’t deserve dealing with me and this all the time- she’s probably one of the kindest people I know yet she did. She said that she’d make an appointment and take me to the doctor for it. I’m kinda scared though- I mean, I’ve only really had counselling up ‘til this point. I’ve never felt so... pathetic and useless. I honestly think that if I leave, she’d- no, my entire family- would be much happier.

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  • > ☁︎SpicyOrion☁︎ We're glad you shared too

  • Thank you all, I really appreciate it- I honestly didn’t think that it’d be a good idea to talk about it since everyone’s so touchy about this kinda thing. I don’t wanna call it depression since that generally just triggers people into oblivion but I’m glad I did ^^

  • Dear, you are important to not only your family but us too, and I would hate to hear you break your families heart, you just have to push through! And for not eating breakfast, at least take 1 bite of something, just a tiny bit please? Start out small

  • D'aww.. Poor dear. I've been experiencing some Shark weeks(that's what I call 'em nowadays) across the years and I'll admit yeah they'll make ya feel like trash. But that's really the point of life to me. Too, checking up in the hospital is great since you'll get access to medication that'll help you feel better. I'm really glad you have people who you can talk to. This will also shove me in a bit so yeah-- If you need to talk to me. You can DM me or talk to me on Discord! uwu Neyuslie#4078

The only thing my DA may be useful for-

So, recently, I’ve been trying to improve my skills in fictional writing. I’m not sure if I’m actually improving or not but I like to think I am- to a degree. As for what I’m writing... it’s kinda like... the base idea for Goharon’s Trials atm. I was also writing a short crossover fic with Ben 10 Omniverse, GenRex and The Secret Saturday’s. The fanfic doesn’t currently have a name and lacks an sort of direction but I’m in love with the idea rn. It’s not the angstyest (is that even a word?) thing I’ve ever thought of but it’s got enough to make me feel bad for torturing my children yet makes me want to continue writing it. I may post it on my DA at some point (if I ever remember to).However, Goharon’s Trial will remain in my LoZ notebook for the time being- until I’m happy with it, that is.

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What am I doing-

I don’t know- I’ve got one hell of a headache that hasn’t gone away in 3 or 4 fucking days. It’s not paying rent so it can get the fuck out of my head. Anyways, memes. okay- I know the last ones not a meme but I fucking live for angsts shit. I honestly think I have an obsession with Ben 10 Omniverse. I rewatched it all two or three months ago but watching the whole series again made me realise why I love it so much. I also rewatched Generator Rex, The Secret Saturday’s, Danny Phantom, Randy Cunningham 9th Grade Ninja and The American Dragon (both versions cuz why the fuck not). I would’ve rewatched VLD but I don’t want to finish season 8 (I’m too much of a wuss for that) and I would’ve rewatched She-ra too but... I watched that recently so there wasn’t a point. I actually think I need help (?). But seriously- Ren ftw.

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  • ben 10 is just MMMMM fANT AS T IC


First place goes to Starfall and Cari and second goes to Emberblaze and Lexis! Thank you so much for entering! Feel free to message me with the ideas for your prizes and such or you can leave them in the comments though, they may not be done until the beginning of January ^^;

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  • For the customs, could one be a small fluffy Scottish fold kitten and the other a Fluffy black dog with grey flecked fur and brown eyes?

  • For the headshot of the OC, could you do my Snatcher Falon?

  • YAY! TYSM!!!!! 😁😁😁 ^^

  • I didn't think I'd win

I’m too young ;-;

I can’t bring myself to watch season 8 of VLD. I can’t do it. I’ve been mentally and emotionally preparing myself for it but I’m just not ready now that it’s actually here. I don’t think I can survive the heartbreak. I’m just gonna cry the entire time. I know I will. Ehhhhhhhh. I might just go watch Treasure Planet and Big Hero 6 again so that I can get all my tears out before I watch it T-T

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  • Same here....I'm so sad ship sank 😭

  • > SpicyOrion oh

  • > that one drawing kid VLD is Voltron; Legendary Defender- it’s a show on Netflix

  • sorry but whats VLD?

Maybe the ol’ anemia’s kickin’ In again

I don’t really know what’s wrong with me right now but I’m so sorry to all those people I owe customs and adopts to. I’ve started on the majority of them but I honestly haven’t had the energy to complete them. I was initially going to force myself to post something to keep up with my upload schedule but I just... I'm tired. I haven’t eaten properly for a while now and I havent slept properly in two weeks. I might have to go see my doctor again if I keep going like this.

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I’m tired

Okay, it’s vague- I know. I’m not... tired of doing this- drawing is honestly one of my favourite things to do in the entire world but I’m just... tired, you know? It’s not a physical tiredness but a mental one... I don’t know if I should start seeing my consoler about it again or not though. She said I was fine on our last session and if I do go see her, she’ll tell my family and my mama will start getting worried again and my dad will keep asking me if I’m okay or not and I just... I don’t want that right now. I don’t really know what to do but I’ll figure something out... hopefully...

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  • I know how you feel