일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

Yer A Lizard, Harry Two 님이 like 하셨습니다!


hey guys-
i've thought about it for awhile now and i believe the time has come.
i'm leaving medibang.
thanks so much for the support in the past, even on my account before i got frozen. i made alot of good friends and memories, and i'm grateful for that :)
i think i'll keep my account up, and i might even chat with you guys or look at your fun artworks, but i won't be posting on here any longer.
my discord, twitter, and ao3 accounts (i also have an email, kyhateslife@gmail.com) are in the description, and i'm pretty active on those, so if you need to contact me for anything, please do so there, as i'm sure i won't respond on medibang as quickly.
thank you again ^^
- your comrade, ky ❤️

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For @Kyhateslife

Aight here we go

I'm upset that you're leaving medi. You know, I've never admitted it, but I've always really looked up to you. Once I first stumbled upon your art page, I couldn't stop looking at your art. I fell in love with your art style. Really. You've really inspired me over the years. You're such creative and amazing person- I could go on and on about how much you mean to me. You're the best, dude. I thought you left for good when you took that 6-7 month break. I was hoping you'd come back. And you have, but only for a month or so. I just wanna say, I'll really miss you. I hope you have a nice life not on medi. Love you, man 💞
-Hannah Montana's secret agent

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  • This is beautiful. Too beautiful

  • I wanna cry by how poetic this is The fact that it’s legit 7AM for me and I’m still sleepy makes the effect better lol My tears are falling like water from waterfalls-

  • thank you pine <3 you were always a good friend of mine, and although at times it didn't seem that way, i always considered you as a person i could go to for advice, or maybe just a chat. roleplaying with you was fun as well. liam and kirov are our children ughhh,, i still have so much art of them haha i hope sometime you can chat with me on another website, like discord or twitter. maybe even wbf. i'll miss you if not, and i hope you take care of yourself and stay safe ❤️ - stalin's cursed lovechild