Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

3 Day / weeks
Open to negotiation

I went to the dentist today... I wanted to draw something about it, buy was so freaked out, I got the jitters and just couldn't...
It's over now.. but I'm still on edge.

I hate the drill.
What's the thing you hate about the dentist ( if anything???

Oh, and that picture is a WIP of an Ogerg that I'll be finishing it soon. I couldn't find anything else to share!

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  • > Lhyr I'd rather them tell me I'm not brushing right. The drill is just too annoying and makes me wanna crawl out my skin and hide... 🙀🙀 Luckily, I got to wear my headphones this time around!

  • > Leieryx Yeah, I went shopping with family and listened to a ton of music, I'm pretty chill now... Just gotta figure out what I'm gonna draw. It'll probably be finishing up this wip or something else... Thanks for the advice and compliment! 😎

  • I always get nervous when I go to the dentist,I'm more afraid about them telling me I'm not brushing my teeth right or that I have bad breath,I would die of embarrassment... Though sometimes I get scared that maybe they're new to it and I'll end up being their guinea pig 😨

  • Wow, i feel you- It's not the dentist for me, but the doctor- and I really hate every time I have to go because I get incredibly stressed you should do something nice for yourself! like eat a treat if you can, or watch something you've been meaning to catch up on- it helps to do something nice afterward also the wip looks awesome :D


So last month I did a "Thank You" for 60 followers, but now I'm down to 58. One person's account got frozen and some like just unfollowed me. If I get back up to 60 followers should I post another "thank you"????

It'll be fun if I did, but I'm afraid, I might just lose followers again... yikes!

I probably should be disappointed, because I've been posting on Medi for over a year now, And I'm always hearing people I'm following reach 200 and 300 followers in waaay less time but I'm figuring, what the hay. It could be much worse, right???? 🤣🤣🤣

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  • > Lhyr Woah! Thank you! Reading your words brings to mind the saying "Slow and steady wins the race!" I'm learning to stop sweating it so much and mainly focus on having fun!

  • If you feel like it and have time to do it (since school is #1 time consuming 😅) Don't stress over having people follow/ unfollow you because people come and go away all the time even on real life,sure having a lot of followers,likes and stuff feels good but you could be the best artist and people would still unfollow you purely for change of personal taste ( people's taste changes constantly and trying to please everyone would please no one ) However that doesn't make your art or you bad ( your art worth isn't defined by how many fans you have, it's defined by it's quality ) Keep in mind that all famous/popular artists were all unknown and sucked at drawing at some point (They had to building their careers and improve through the years to get there) Quick fame doesn't last long (generally anything you rush to get you'll also lose it fast,if you want something to last you need to put much effort on it) Good luck!

Rebekka: Challenges (pt. 14)

Finally! I have published the next chapter!

It's not my usual 2,000 word post (it's shorter), but this chapter is second to last of the "Challenges" section of the web novel. Soon we'll be moving over to "Perseverance" which will begin off in Togian's point of view!

I'll try to post the final chapter of "Challenges" as soon as I can, so stay tuned!

Here's the link!


---> If you have not started the started reading my web novel from the beginning, you can find it on the link below! It's never too late to begin the adventure! <---

Thanks For Reading,


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  • I'll definitely be checking out this chapter^^


Forgive me my dear people... today, I might not be able to post up a drawing. Today was very busy for me unfortunately.
Some good news though: I took some time out to write the next chapter of the Rebekka web novel. I'll be releasing that Thursday (remember that I'm not available on Wednesdays).

To make up for my absence I absolutely promise to post two drawings on Thursday.
Thanks and I hope all of you understand!!!

Enjoy the rest of the day and Be Safe!!

~FÄDEE ♥️♥️

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  • It's fine^^

Rebekka: Challenges (pt. 13)

If your screaming FINALLY!!! I know how you feel. I completely broke my "one-week-to-two-week" rule. There are a few *cough* excuses *cough* for this though. One being the fact I got obsessed with creating better art. Seems like I like drawing more than writing. Two, my semester has officially started so, I had to take a break on things for a while. Good news is, I may have more free time than I thought!

Well enough "excuses" and here's what you really came for:

Have fun reading!

Oh and here's something for you new readers.....

---> If you have not started the started reading my web novel from the beginning, you can find it on the link below! It's never too late to begin the adventure! <---

Thanks For Reading,


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  • > FÄDEE Okay!

  • > Anna Thanks! It's the cover for my web novel. Feel free to read it if you want. : )

  • Nice drawing!

Get Them Before Their Gone!! (click pls)

I've been posting a lot lately, and really this topic is for anyone who may have missed my recent posts! (I know because sometimes I miss a few things and end up replying super late to things!)

Anyway, here are the links to a few of my latest posts!

Mordicī & The Laundry

Tin-K & His Dream of Desolation

DTIYS with YAKAMADA's Drawing

WIP---> Hermishi vs. Johnny Rad

Red Riding Hood

Hope you like them and that this was helpful!


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  • > FÄDEE If things get too though u should take a break ( school can be pretty hard on you)

  • > FÄDEE I understand^^ I think it's a good idea,Making minis is like practicing for making a full comic! ( I started small projects so I could improve before getting to the big ones it helped me to get confident) I'm a student too so I can relate XD Tho my teachers just gave up on us They've stopped sending homework Not that I'm complaining XD

  • > Lhyr Well, I'm kinda planning to release little "episodes". They won't be about the main plot just yet. Instead, I think I want everyone to get to know the characters, you know, until I have the time to start releasing the main feature. I'm starting school again in a little while so everything is going to be really, REALLY busy. Right now I'm working on a second Comic Mini and am almost finished with it. Unfortunately, this is cutting into my writing time, so I may or may not get around to writing Rebekka this week... I kinda got caught up with with all the art project I have planned... 😅😅

  • I'm really excited to know more about your comic! Are you planning on start uploading it after finishing rebekka? I know you've got a busy schedule since posting constantly already takes time So I'm not trying pressure you or anything just curious^^

My Art Progress of 2020!

So I've just finished up a video with my entire collection of art this year. It's pretty nice to look at, so if you have the time, just stop by here: ---> <--- and check it out!

Thanks so much and Happy New Year,


{Of course you can scroll on my art page to view all the artwork I've done this year, by why do that when I've put everything in a nice video with music??? As a plus, there's no scrolling involved!}

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  • I'm excited to see the finished project! Happy new year ♥️

Rebekka: Challenges (pt. 11)

Opps! Almost forgot! Here's the link to the newest Rebekka chapter:

In this chapter, we're taking a peek into Wert's point of view.
Hope you enjoy reading it!

If you haven't started reading the web novel, it's never to late to start the adventure. Click the link below to begin the journey!

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  • It's really relieving waking up from a nightmares,but the weird thing is that it they always feel so real! Poor Wert...

Thanks Everyone!!!

I just wanna thank all of you for your support. I'm kinda getting into that now, thanking people for their interactions with my posts. I mean, I think it kinda makes me look a bit selfish if I don't thank the people I'm drawing for when they like my art. Plus I want to interact with you all more.

My last post (the one you see above) received 10 views and 4 likes plus a star. That means that half the people that viewed it liked it enough to give it a like and favorite!

That's pretty cool if you think about it and I'm quite grateful.

I remember the times when I would post something and it would get so many views but so few interactions, so I really thank everyone for their support!


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  • > FÄDEE Your welcome :)

  • > Pat Thanks Pat! ^^

  • > Lhyr Thanks! ^^

  • Congratulations Fade! U deserve it all

A Little Help Please...

Okay so I kinda just checked my recent post and saw it only has like... six views and one 🤍. Is my art really that bad? Or did I just happen to post it at the wrong time? 😒😒

I really I think that people didn't get a chance to see it so I just be including the link below:

If you can, stop by and let me know what you think. And remember to show your love! 😊😊
Thanks for your support!


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  • > FÄDEE I've heard those somewhere, it's been a while so I don't remember who told me for sure but I think I found them online!

  • > Lhyr Where do you get these inspirational quotes from! They're always so true!

  • I think your art is beautiful but flawed,of course everyone's art is as well,but some artists manage to hide the flaws so others won't notice easily. I think you're pretty underrated,but that doesn't mean you aren't good enough! It's normal to feel down because you're not getting as much attention as you deserve, just don't give up! You gotta start from the bottom to reach the top!

Rebekka: Challenges (pt. 8) [read desc]

Oop, forgot to post the link to the new edition of my web novel for my followers here. I can get so forgetful. Here's the link for all those book readers out there:

Oh and I finally drew a cover for it!!!!! So, very excited about that. If you want to see the full thing go here:

Let me know what ya think. I can and do get lonely you know.....

Don't forget to like and share. Please do because I really don't know if I should keep spending so much time drawing... I mean, my art is good right???

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  • > Lhyr Yeah, I happen to see that a lot. I just don't think people think it's worth there time to hit the like button.

  • > FÄDEE Thanks! To me encouraging others kinda boost my motivation, since I like to talk to people about art and stuff ( mostly online, introvert here lmao) A lot of artists get like 10000 views but 15 likes and 0 comments or 10 views 0 likes and 1 comment saying "i like it" ( the person didn't even hit the button like)... it's pretty sad. So I try to cheer them up a little bit while I take my breaks!

  • > Lhyr You know, out of all my followers here on Artstreet, you're the one who's always commenting on almost everything I put up and giving tips! I wish more people were like you. 😄

  • I think your art is lovely and this artwork looks like the start of a misterous adventure! If you lonely you can talk to your friends or with me too,if you wanna (but our timezones are different so I won't be able to answer right away) Good luck, don't forget to rest also Stay hydrated!(。・ω・。)ノ♡

I'm Back!!!!

Hey Everyone!
I'm back and I'm better than ever!
First thing I want to announce is that I'm so glad to be back! I've learned so much in my two week break and I've drawn so much too.

Second thing I want to announce..... I've updated my profile picture and banner. Drop by to check it out and let me know hat you think here!

Oh yeah, I've also posted a new project. Here's the link:

Thanks for hanging in there!!!

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  • It's really cool! (*´ω`*)

Why so Quiet????

So, I know I've been super quiet this week but I've been working on a really complex project for this week's theme. I thank all of my followers for staying with me even though I have been inactive.

Hopefully I can get this project here to level up enough to receive a badge (I'm dying to get one of those). If it doesn't, it doesn't, but I still will be happy for every single view, like, and comment.

You check the project out here:

If you want to leave a few comments you can, and don't forget to hit the heart or star! (But of course only if you like it!! ^^ )

Thank you so, so, much,


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Rebekka: Challenges (pt.5)

Alright so part five of Rebekka is up and running. I know it's a little late in the day, but I post every Sunday (except for next week. I'll have to post on Saturday...)

Here's the link and I hope you enjoy!

If you have not started the started reading my web novel from the beginning, you can find it on the link below! It's never too late to begin!

Thanks for reading!

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Rebekka: Challenges (pt. 4)

Guess What????
Okay, so it's not that had to guess if you've looked at the title, but anyway... I've just posted up the next chapter of Rebekka!!

Here's the link if ya got the time!

If you have not started the started reading my web novel from the beginning, you can find it on the link below! It's never too late to begin!


P.S. The redraw of Rebekka you see above I haven't even posted up yet! Just a special Thank You to my followers and readers! ^^

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  • Oh, wait... yes it did... my internet's just slow. I forgive you Medi!

  • Great.... The full pic didn't load. *sigh* So much for that. Dang it Medi!!!

My first GIF!!!

I'm a little proud and frustrated at the same time. I made my very first GIF from scratch, yes, but it's not exactly the quality I want. However I feel it is worthy enough to share with my beloved followers on ARTstreet.

It'll be so much help if someone could tell where I went wrong...

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  • > FÄDEE Good luck! I tried making animations once... it's harder than it looks...(TT)

  • > Lhyr Thank you, thank you, thank you for the feedback!!! You seriously don't know how much it means! I'll be using these pointers in my next GIF which hopefully I can get done soon! 😄😄😄

  • You did well! The eyes and skin color are gorgeous, I don't know how to explain this,but I'll try...So she's looking up and we can't see about half of her body because of the perspective,Tho her eyes are kinda stealing some of the ears space (principally when she opens em, you could let em near the nose or make em smaller) and her body moves ( I too had a hard time making It stay on the exact same place,you could Try copy&paste without moving it to any side),the sparkles could have more in between to look smooth when they move! (@°▽°@) Good job!

Rebekka: Challenges (pt.3)

Alright!!!! The next part of the Rebekka Web Novel is up and running!

~Please Note~ I'm modifying website some. Instead of there being chapters (The Axon One, Challenges, etc.) those will be individual parts of the Rebekka adventure. Chapter names will be beneath the title (see pic above).
I hope this change will be a little more helpful! Happy reading!

Here's the link:

If you have not started the started reading my web novel from the beginning, you can find it on the link below! It's never too late to begin!


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Trying for A Creator's Badge

I'm going to be bold. I'ma about to be daring. I'm going to try for a Creator's Badge!!

Not exactly sure if I can do it. I mean, the farthest rank I've reached is Level 3, but I don't move past that point. Is it that I don't have enough followers???

Anyway, here's my first project I'm trying with:

It'll mean so much if you all would check it out!

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  • Good luck! I think it's nice to try it out^^ You can have fun and maybe even win, You never know!