Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

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Can I... talk for a minute?

I’m scared.
About my future.
I know I said I wasn’t scared anymore, but I am again.
The main reason is I’m terrified of telling my family I’m an atheist. They’ll likely hate me forever.
Another reason is finding the right girl. First of all, not a lot of girls take pride in being big and fat, and sadly that’s something I have to have in my women in order to fully be in love with them (that isn’t to say I hate skinny girls, I just don’t like them romantically. I know that’s kinky, but I CANNOT HELP IT). And I don’t understand the “woman language” (what I mean by that is that I don’t get the social cues most of them expect men to understand. For example, say a couple is in a store and the girl says “you don’t have to get me anything” in which case she may expect the guy to get her something anyway). I need to be told exactly what you mean, or what you want, otherwise I don’t know to do it! If she wants babies or wants sexual intimacy or wants me to touch her or something she HAS TO TELL ME IN ORDER FOR ME TO UNDERSTAND!!!!!!!
And having Beatrice in my head has really done a number on my love scope, too. I mean, I’m trying so hard to not narrow standards down to all her features, but it’s so hard!!!!
And i hate being tall. I want to be shorter than the girl. I want to be the shorter and submissive one. I don’t like it when the guy is taller. And yet I’m like 5’10” so the odds aren’t in my favor.
Third reason is, yep you guessed it, struggling with my “men are bad” mindset.
Geez, what’s wrong with me?! I’m so different it’s going to get me in trouble.

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Funny thing...

Funny thing that my parents are highly convinced I’m ever coming back once I leave.
“We can give you pointers when you come back for the holidays!”
“Between semesters, you’ll be able to come back and figure out what you want to do next!”
“You don’t have to take EVERYTHING... we’ll store some stuff for you for when you come back!”
“Once you start getting ready for your mission we can get ready for you to come back!”
Ha ha ha yeah you think so, huh?! well guess what, I’m never ever coming back because I’m leaving you forever and ever and never calling you ever again. Guess I’m going to have to choose some things that I can’t take with me if I can’t take it all with me. Holidays are becoming worthless to me anyways. What makes them think I’d EVER come back? They’re the reason I’m always upset and emotionally unstable. I don’t even have the maturity of an adult at my age, because it’s been shattered.
So the plan?
Leave and never ever ever ever ever ever ever come back. Ever. I’m going to say Goodbye forever.
What next then?
I don’t know, at one point I planned to just get lethal injection, since I didn’t really think I had a plan for my life. Obviously that’s not something people would want me to do.
Whatever, the important thing is I’ll be gone forever.

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Why even

Why do we have families
It’s so stupid
You are trapped in a group of people forever that you never chose
And you’re dictated by two adults that had kids for who knows what reason
Most likely the girl’s like “I WANNA HAVE BABIES OR ELSE WE ARE THROUGH” and the guy says “ugh fine but only because I love you and nothing I want matters anyway” and well... here I am.
It’s not worth it being alive knowing my mom could have had so much more than my dumb loser of a father.
And my youngest brother (not Ethan, the youngest one named Dallin who has terrible teeth and is a lazy hobo) DOES NOT SHUT UP
Ethan is like the only one I really connect with anymore
And I like my mom but I can’t really have a conversation with her most of the time
But right now I’m just UUUGGGHHHHH
can’t I not be with family please
Can’t I just be Jeff with no interruption or being in a dictatorship
Families are stupid and parents are stupid
I’m still sticking by my idea of Siri raising babies.

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☆ i neED YOUR HeLP ☆

so I have a best friend on tiktok and bleh. we’ve been friends for quite a while and has proven that she’s the person who she says she is. I’ve been starting get feelings for her. and i feel like I’m even ready to ya know, ask her out. I’ve been giving her hints that I have feelings for her and bleh. I even tell her that I love her and she tells me that she loves me too. so I was wondering..should I take this chance to ask her out ?? I know it’s a huge step for me to do something like this, but I know I can do it !!

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Random Gay Pissed Off Emotions

My lovely girl’s birthday was earlier this month. I had been told she would have one later in the month.
I finally put together about a week ago that I hadn’t received an invitation or discussion about it at all.
I have a suspicion Grace wasn’t allowed to have a party this year because her mom ( a slob who sleeps around all day leaving Grace and her two siblings to run the whole household while each being in a larger number of large/difficult 4H projects at once) keeps having Grace break up with friends since she herself tends to fight with other parents, like she did with my mom.
And what? Am I next? Even though perhaps i have already been and it’s just been unofficial?
Grace has been grounded for 3 months for losing a cheap water bottle at a park before, and she said she only sneaked back to her phone to have me calm her down from so much stress
And now, she’s apparently injured? And seemingly in a lot of pain? Ugh... I want to be there for her, but that’s kinda hard to do when her mom is.. so... ugh
I just want to be there - I want to see her-
Oh, and did I mention? Last birthday party of hers we almost kissed, we both haven’t forgotten that, I know...
Sorry for the vent I’m just being slowly torn apart inside : )

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Random Gay Pissed Off Emotions

My lovely girl’s birthday was earlier this month. I had been told she would have one later in the month.
I finally put together about a week ago that I hadn’t received an invitation or discussion about it at all.
I have a suspicion Grace wasn’t allowed to have a party this year because her mom ( a slob who sleeps around all day leaving Grace and her two siblings to run the whole household while each being in a larger number of large/difficult 4H projects at once) keeps having Grace break up with friends since she herself tends to fight with other parents, like she did with my mom.
And what? Am I next? Even though perhaps i have already been and it’s just been unofficial?
Grace has been grounded for 3 months for losing a cheap water bottle at a park before, and she said she only sneaked back to her phone to have me calm her down from so much stress
And now, she’s apparently injured? And seemingly in a lot of pain? Ugh... I want to be there for her, but that’s kinda hard to do when her mom is.. so... ugh
I just want to be there - I want to see her-
Oh, and did I mention? Last birthday party of hers we almost kissed, we both haven’t forgotten that, I know...
Sorry for the vent I’m just being slowly torn apart inside : )

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Deep thoughts part 1/2

It’s a word that’s been around for as long as we can remember.
It’s definition changes with every application.
When one hears the word, one may think of a full grown, muscular human male with masculine attributes and a self-confident demeanor.
That word only has one definition.
But I don’t think it’s the same one.
Where am I going with this?
Well... I don’t feel like an adult.
I don’t feel like a... a MAN.
I’m just... me.
I don’t fit any of those attributes at all.
I feel... pathetic. Puny. A disgrace. Shameful of myself.
At the same time, maybe...
Just maybe...
Maybe the word “man” doesn’t have to be a negative one after all...

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Deep thoughts part 1/2

It’s a word that’s been around for as long as we can remember.
It’s definition changes with every application.
When one hears the word, one may think of a full grown, muscular human male with masculine attributes and a self-confident demeanor.
That word only has one definition.
But I don’t think it’s the same one.
Where am I going with this?
Well... I don’t feel like an adult.
I don’t feel like a... a MAN.
I’m just... me.
I don’t fit any of those attributes at all.
I feel... pathetic. Puny. A disgrace. Shameful of myself.
At the same time, maybe...
Just maybe...
Maybe the word “man” doesn’t have to be a negative one after all...

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Deep thoughts part 1/2

It’s a word that’s been around for as long as we can remember.
It’s definition changes with every application.
When one hears the word, one may think of a full grown, muscular human male with masculine attributes and a self-confident demeanor.
That word only has one definition.
But I don’t think it’s the same one.
Where am I going with this?
Well... I don’t feel like an adult.
I don’t feel like a... a MAN.
I’m just... me.
I don’t fit any of those attributes at all.
I feel... pathetic. Puny. A disgrace. Shameful of myself.
At the same time, maybe...
Just maybe...
Maybe the word “man” doesn’t have to be a negative one after all...

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Jeffuri-san left a comment!

☆ uwu ☆

henlo !! uh as you can tell im in a much better mood today uwu i haven’t told my parents what happened yet, but I did tell my sister this morning. she gave me really good advice and calmed me down uwu she even said,”why need a boy when you have a really good friend like cheyenne who’s always there for you??” she has a point, and I have you guys!! I’m starting to tell all my friends kokichi and I are now dating and there like “bruh” xD but my other friend is like,”IM PLANNING THE WEDDING !! THE SHIP MUST BE REAL SKXJDJS” xD 💓

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