Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Tow Tateoka creates cute and detailed artwork with a mix of realism. We interviewed the artist!


Tow Tateoka's designs are very detailed, and is a mix of manga style and realism. The artist is also the designer of ART street mascot character, Meimichan! We asked the artist about their secrets of creating such lovely artwork!

A black canvas can help you learn to paint shadows...?

ーWhat aspect do you focus on the most when drawing?

Tow Tateoka:I think the lines. The way I paint changes, but with lineart I have an ideal in my mind. It's difficult to pass my own standards.。

ーI see. How much do you spend on the lineart? Although this might be different for each artwork.

Tow Tateoka:This is a very rough estimate, but I think about 4 hours on average for what I post on ART street.
There are some artwork that I decided not to post where I spent more time. "カーテシー" and "vmp" was a 30 minute speed paint.

ーSo the lineart is the most difficult part to you. Is there something that is the easiest to you? Do you have any tips for that?

Tow Tateoka:Drawing shadows and highlights usually goes smoothly.
I wouldn't say this is a tip, but I have a story about this.
When I was new to art, there was a time when I started drawing on a black canvas.
It wasn't a practice for me, I just thought it might be fun.
Usually I start with the light colors, but with the black canvas, I have to think about the light and contrast from the start.
So that might have been a good practice on shadows.
I think the way I draw clothing folds was built from that.

ーI think the glossiness you achieve when you paint looks amazing! What do you focus on when you paint? Do you have any tips?

Tow Tateoka:Even if I am painting with a realism style, I try not to lose the Japanese manga like feeling.
I don't want to create realism, but I want the textures to have some amount of realism.

ーThat sounds difficult to achieve... What do you think is a "Japanese manga like feeling"?

Tow Tateoka:I think the way the nose and mouth is simplified.
The mood changes a lot depending on how you paint it.
Of course if you paint in a flat style, it's less complicated.

ーPainting in a way that the textures have some amount of realism sounds pretty complicated. Do you have any tips, or something you use as a reference?

Tow Tateoka:Usually I just add noises and highlights.
The brushes gives me a hint for that, and I mostly rely on them.
My past artwork such as "Diabolos" and "カケアミ(タイル)でお茶を点てる" was inspired by the brushes.
I guess being inspired by the brush is a bit odd.

ーYou draw very detailed laces and patterns. How do you draw those?

Tow Tateoka:When Photoshop was my main tool, I used the "Find edges" filter.
With MediBang Paint, the edge pen will create similar results.
Also when I have the chance, I wish to use hatching (tile) brush.
With the patterns, I think using textures would make sense, but I want everything to be drawn by myself, even though it may compromise the quality.

ーHow much time do you spend on finishing one artwork?

Tow Tateoka:Including the designs, many took more than a week.
For artwork with no theme or fanart, it takes less than a day.

ーHow do you come up with the composition or the pose?

Tow Tateoka:I am still not very good at expressing the theme and ideas with the composition, and it is something I have to work on.
I can say the same with the pose.

ーWhich part of the drawing process do you enjoy the most?

Tow Tateoka:Thinking about what to draw. The first step is nothing but fun.

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