メディバンID: -

An empty box with a face on it~
Anti Anon
Okay but why the hecK are some people "anti anon"? What does that even mean? Do they like hate everyone who uses the "anonymous" feature or like do they just not use it? WhY dO yOu fEeL tHe nEeD tO bRoaDcAsT tHaT yOu'Re AnTi aNoN????? It might just be because I use it a lot to give like constructive criticism and stuff but idk.
This post was a mess lmao-
This post was a mess lmao-
メディバンID: -

An empty box with a face on it~
You can post whatever you want.
It is very difficult to agitate me, unless of course you mean to hurt me. But other people are a bit more sensitive so I thank you for being more careful in the future.