イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang

6 時間 / 日
ヒマなう。 I do Character design and maybe a portrait once in a while no nsfw stuff

Kenny McCormickさんがコメントしました!

haruka's backstory (v2 spoilers)

okay um proceed with caution
your still here? great. so um haruka my oc was originally made by the future foundation to be a spy among the students just like Chiaki. However despite this Haruka and Chiaki were in a relationship. a romantic one to be exact. after hajime and the survivors say goodye to Chiaki; after the cast role in their last moments together this is what happens:
Haruka: so i guess you and me are going to begone soon.
Chiaki: technically yes.
Haruka: I'm glad i was made. i'm glad i got to meet you. Hey do you think i'll be able to actually make comic books one day? and write one about us?
Chiaki: I'm sure you and i will build a future together. one where you loved me just as much in this present.
Yep. im sure of it. one day we will meet again haruka. And no one will ever come in my way of loving you.
Haruka: im sure of it as well. wait for me again
Chiaki: until we meet again; i love you.
Haruka: until we meet again; i love you.
Yes it's cheesy whatever shut up


Kenny McCormickさんがlikeしました!

Kerr Stevens

Age: 21 - Born 29th of November
Appearance: Standing 6' 4" tall, and compact with darker skin tone. His green eyes are prominent and he has thick eyebrows.
His black hair is mid-back length and wavy
He usually wears retro clothes that are mostly white and loose
Personality: Closed off to others, seems cold and indifferent at first. Does tiny things to show he cares. egocentric unless he comes to care about you, then he will do mist anything to ensure your wellbeing
Personal Status
Social Class: Upper middle class
Education: Great at math
Sexuality: Homosexual
Quirks: Often looks in their pocket mirror, Fidgets when telling lies
Likes: Meditating, Practicing martial arts, Smoking
Dislikes: Slow drivers, Low battery on their phone, Dogs, Being itchy
Afraid of: Bees/wasps, Childbirth, and The dark
Skills: Skilled at gardening and Skilled at seduction. Skilled at kendo
Colours: Likes cyan and turquoise, hates peach
Music: Likes J-pop
Foods: Sweet food
Book Genre: Horror
