插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang



hey guys back for just 2 more posts

hey, i don't know if any of you still remember this account or me in general, but i'm here for a final huzzah
so much has changed about me and my ocs and honestly i'm in a much better place than i was. i've grown a lot and as i'm about to turn 20, i'm looking back on my teenage years and largely everything that happened on this account. i honestly don't remember most of it? it was a pretty bad time in my life, but it wasn't necessarily traumatic. just too much and too embarrassing for my brain to cling to the memories.

maybe i'll post semi-regularly on this account again if enough people are interested/miss it, but if not, i'll just post these two pages and then go lol



Does anyone remember :}?

So- I'm asking here and on my regular account because I figure there are probably more of my older fans that may not have gotten to my new account on here- and I'm gonna ask the same thing on Instagram in a bit, but-
Does anyone remember a user on medi called :}??
I've looked for their art everywhere possible but haven't been able to find them. They got taken off medi a long time ago and it was really sad to see, they had such an active following and made such pretty art. I'm not sure if they go by something else now or even how to find them, I didn't get to save any of their art for reference, sadly.
If they don't want to be found, please don't out them here, I just thought I'd throw the net out just in case I could find them.
