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I’m free

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Bad News

*sighs* I guess.... The seasons has ended.
The season of best friend, online bes friends. A year, it's been a year of laughter, happy tears, someone to look up to.
This is it, I'm sorry, I really am. You guys were everything to me, my happiness, my life,my willto live, my joy, my laughter, everything that was positive to me!
But, since. I'm living under the roof of my mom, she banned me from seeing you guys, I can't stand being a day without you guys, it hurts, it really hurts.
All the ing I have been doing, they seem worthless. My weight has decreased a bunch, not because of you guys, but. It's because of me, I don't see a point of living without you guys and, I have so many other things to tell, I just... Want to end this never ending pain. Friends, they come, like seasons, they come and leave, I just want them to stay, where did I go wrong?! I just want to be there for you guys, but I can't.
Running away have been in my mind for the past week, to live this roof, be with you, but, I know I won't survive alone.
Living with someone you hate, isn't also helping.
You guys, are my biggest will to live.
Not my dad, not my mom, no one, cares me, like you guys do. I just want to end this pain. Ending my live, seems like tahe only way to end this pain, since you guys won't be seeing me anymore, why don't I just end it?!
Take a knife, slit my neck, it wouldn't matter. My mom, wish she could've let me stay....
This is my brothers tablet, I'll be here for you guys, try to hide it, I can of course!
I just want to bw with you guys. *sighs* That was a good rant I guess.
I'm going to go, peace..

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