插畫・漫畫投稿&社群網站 - ART street by MediBang


Idk what this even is?

I honestly really really like this version of her, but I change Cross too much because I keep “changing” irl as I age ^^” Sooo alternate realitY? Maybe overtale I think?

I should honestly consider making an actual “persona” persona? Who doesn’t turn into an oc lol but I don’t know if I should or not *shrug*

Also, this isn’t meant to offend anyone with “triggers” or anything despite the bg image and words. This was just a little “coping” doodle of mine, myself. I’m really sorry if I offend you in any way and for like, wasting a good 5-10 minutes of your time ehehehe- Uh anyways, hope you guys are doing well and uh let me know some thoughts??? Yeppers 👌

Ps. Bg image belongs to google images




I DO NOT HAVE A SCRATCH ACCOUNT AND THIS ISN'T ME! Guys, this is not something I take very lightly and usually I can brush something off of my shoulders but when you STEAL MY IDENTITY, MY ART and try to give away MY CHARACTERS/DRAWINGS that I worked so hard on as dta adopts...IT IS A LITERAL STAB IN THE BACK AND IDENTITY/ART THEFT!

I don't have a scratch account and I'm not sure how to fix this so I ask that if you are the impersonator, stop it right at this moment and delete that account and APOLOGIZE to the people on there who were adopting my characters and art from you. I have every right to be angry about it because they replaced my signature with text and are stealing my identity. It is not flattering it's horrid behavior that I absolutely DO NOT approve of. Please if anyone can help me with this, I would deeply deeply appreciate it as I have no experience whatsoever with scratch. I'm very sorry for this sudden lash out, but it really does hurt me when someone steals art or an identity. It isn't just. It isn't right and it certainly isn't cool to do that to someone else.

Here's the page:




I DO NOT HAVE A SCRATCH ACCOUNT AND THIS ISN'T ME! Guys, this is not something I take very lightly and usually I can brush something off of my shoulders but when you STEAL MY IDENTITY, MY ART and try to give away MY CHARACTERS/DRAWINGS that I worked so hard on as dta adopts...IT IS A LITERAL STAB IN THE BACK AND IDENTITY/ART THEFT!

I don't have a scratch account and I'm not sure how to fix this so I ask that if you are the impersonator, stop it right at this moment and delete that account and APOLOGIZE to the people on there who were adopting my characters and art from you. I have every right to be angry about it because they replaced my signature with text and are stealing my identity. It is not flattering it's horrid behavior that I absolutely DO NOT approve of. Please if anyone can help me with this, I would deeply deeply appreciate it as I have no experience whatsoever with scratch. I'm very sorry for this sudden lash out, but it really does hurt me when someone steals art or an identity. It isn't just. It isn't right and it certainly isn't cool to do that to someone else.

Here's the page:
