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I have no idea what this is
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Why did I suddenly frozen...
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siren doodle in a different style
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the mess I've made if my palette
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Mimikyu (pokèmon fanart)
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Repost ;-)
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Please help me! (QmQ)
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Flowey uwu
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Oh No :(
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Deku beanz
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KIWI !!!!!
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Little Gift for MidNight
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One of the tags say “this is 🌸Sakura🌸” and pretty sure ppl can change others tags-
Sakura did u do this lmao
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*Danganronpa has entered the chat*
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Collab w/ ^ ^😊
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Collab with Ishtar, Danizinha, Luna !
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StoryShift Chara
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°• Zzzzz •°
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Redraw ( ͠° ͜ʖ ͡° )
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if u couldn’t tell by my new banner I’ve been working on a new art style!
E it sux but at least I’ve been getting better at drawing without the symmetry pen ;^;
Anyways yea feel free to unfollow me if u don’t like it-
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I'll finish drawing soon !!! >:>👍
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● Sally Face ●