Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Open for requests and art trades!

NixIsLost left a comment!

NixIsLost left a comment!

NixIsLost left a comment!


I’m feeling better thankfully I talked to my mum and she finallly trust me with sharp objects again and no i was not gonna commit or hurt myself in anyway shape or form cuz I’m to tired as weak to set up my own death but hopefully it would get better than it already is :) I’m trying to recover really slowly I guess.
My baby cousin is probably coming over this Friday so she brighten up my day

I haven’t met people in my life other than my family that care for me so much I’m not used to this kind of love I don’t won’t to be a bother to you peeps,and wasting your love and kindness on me. Thanks a lot guys . . . Here some splatoon pictures? (I’m the one with the Goggles)

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