Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

Drawing whenever I can!

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Tw:// Su!c!d#, mentions of d#ath

I wanna stop hiding. I wanna be different. I don't wanna be like this. I wanna stop making mistakes. I wanna be the angel everyone wants me to be. I wanna be strong enough to not feel so damn suicidal.. When will the day come for when I'll die? I don't wanna be here anymore.. Why must I always be the villain of my own story? I'm not even the hero! I'm not the main character! I'm a damn side character! I'm fucking irrelevant!.. Why am I so useless?.. Why do I doubt everything I do, and everything my friends do that regard me. I JUST NEED HELP, BUT I CAN NEVER ASK FOR IT! NO ONE KNOWS HOW I FEEL, WHAT ELSE AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH THE CARDS I'VE BEEN DEALT IN LIFE?! I'M SORRY! I'M SO FUCKING SORRY THAT I'VE HURT ALMOST EVERYONE HERE, I KNOW I HAVE. ONE WAY OR ANOTHER! HOW HAVE I NOT?! I KNOW I MESS SHIT UP, DON'T SUGARCOAT IT!

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