Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

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I have a story idea shdhdh

Ok story idea idk
So uhhhh basically two unique enemy groups, one a ‘protagonist’ group and the other ‘antagonist’ group. Each of the members has a special power. The leaders of both the groups are very high class, having the greatest power, and the antagonist leader is an ex-king. Blah blah, fights and whatever(this story leans more towards the antagonist’s POV), the protagonist leader is exiled after his group is wiped out. He flees to a neighboring city, with new views on the world, as his best friend in his group was brutally killed, shot upwards through his jaw. He becomes a renowned assassin with no set name, some call him The Shadow, others won’t even use a label for him, just calling him Assassin. Eventually the protagonist ex-leader finds the antagonist, but they don’t recognize each other at all. The protagonist quickly earns the antagonist’s trust and joins his gang. He eventually becomes the antagonist’s partner in crime, and they soon are known as the deadliest group of people in the country.
But sooner or later the antagonist starts to suspect the protagonist, but has become so close to him that he is too scared to do anything to him. He’s is split between decisions, as anyone who has wronged him before has been killed, but since the two were such good friends, he decides not to mention it to the protagonist. This is the antagonist’s internal conflict.
Rest in progress :D

Fox-Chance’s best friend(deceased)

Gang names:
London Spades(Protagonist group)
Wolf Hunters(Antagonist group)
It’s a wip ok don’t judge

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