Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

I might be inactive if I have school, homework, loosing motivation, vacation and taking a break,busy drawing

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i'm not using the goodnight picture cuz i kinda hate it now
i still feel kind of upset- and still complaining

for a few days i tried not eating anything that my digestive system will bloat up from (it makes my belly look big), but of course, imagining me with a flat stomach is too good to be true, so it never happened. SIIGGHHHH why do these things happen to me
my eyes are hurting from my screen and my vision's kinda bad (well, i dont really know, cuz i can't see out of other people's eyes and compare their vision to mine), but if i avoid my computer i'll barely be able to draw digitally, which sucks cuz digital art is life =( but OF COURSE bad eyes have to exist for me because it would be utterly a b s u r d if something about my body was actually any good.

gosh, these insecurities are never gonna leave me alone, are they?

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Taking a break! (plus a question)

I realized that I'm a bit low on motivation, or more like I am burnt out ;w; Whenever I do a few big pieces of art (I've done some stuff irl and I've been working on many art pieces) I usually feel this feeling. So that calls for a break I think. No art for a while.. I know I don't post that much anyhow but y'know- I would like to post more but I am even more slower at drawing than I was since I am burnt out-

So yea! I hope you guys don't mind ^^ I have a question before you go though! If you're willing to spend more time reading this-
What would you like to see more in my art? OCs? Animals? maybe even some background paintings? Feel free to say!

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more of me complaining >=(
honestly at this point you dont even need to feel like you have to make me feel better, i know this is annoying that i'm constantly venting- just ignore this if you want to

i went to the dance competition today
i did well?.... ugh people said i looked amazing but i disagree ;w; how would they even THINK that? i watched a video of me dancing and i literally look the worst out of all the other girls. i was starting to feel confident when people said i looked good but all that confidence crashed down to dust when i watched the video my mum recorded of me. I AM SO EMBARRASSED THAT I LOOKED LIKE THAT IN FRONT OF SO MANY PEOPLE ;W; and i not only do i dance horribly, but why. does my body. have to be SO. WEIRD LOOKING? i'm so wide, and broad, and big, I JUST CANT. why can't i be small? like all of the other girls i see? honestly i'd rather be skinny and weak than how i am now. sure i'm kinda strong (i guess... ugh not really) and sorta tall (maybe average honestly =/ ), but why do i have to be SO BIG.... i dont look good in any hairstyles either, and the only time where i feel confident is where i'm wearing kinda baggy clothing HA, because it's hiding most of me.
i shouldnt have watched that video because EVERY TIME I LOOK AT A PHOTO OR VIDEO OF ME IT RUINS MY WHOLE MOOD AND MAKES ME WANT TO CRY SOMETIMES ;w; and it's been like that for a few years.

i wish i was like Muna... (my older sister)

you dont have to feel the need to make me feel better and comment and stuff, i know i keep complaining about my whole stupid identity-

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