插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang

No commissions. I got too many ideas and I'm too lazy :P


2.5k WoWiE wow

Thank you lots guys for 2500 followers! It means a lot to me you guys are awesome ;v; I barely have the time to draw this day so I just did a quickie of myself for ya bois, hope you like it even tho its plain ;;;; (Should I color that and post it to celebrate? Hmmm you guys tell me :3)

Btw I've started drawing that, yknow, for the contest be mcause I wanted to get that idea outta my head asap but I don't think its that good.. I don't aim to win this honestly i just had an idea all of a sudden so I put it down but winning would be cool nonetheless amirite?
What's your opinion on this drawing so far? :)



wip ;)

wip of hisashi
at first it was going to be a nice cheery picture of him
but my inner emo came out
and why not
havent drawn in a while
some backstory:
i wanted a 'speak no evil' theme
he has premonition powers, he's basically psychic and can foretell the future. usually the important one comes in his dreams, thus the "you always die in your dreams" in the first pic. his power is pretty strong .
the 'speak no evil' is because of his power he becomes a vital tool throughout the story and ends up being manipulated and pressured to give up knowledge about the future that can help the enemy out.
at one point he even ends up being manipulated/tortured by his ex-girlfriend-turned-fiancee, and this is the scene of that :)
(lucas is also the 'speak no evil' in the story :), though hisa n lucas switch between speak and see no evil. eve is 'hear no evil', and samael is just, evil.)
time to get to the last pic: took me 1 hour and 30 mins to get to there, im currently still working on it ^^
(sheesh the quality between jpg and png is so obvi here smh.)
