Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

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Anyone doing my challenge from the last post? I’m curious?
Also guys, a couple updates.
From Thursday to the following Thursday I will be gone, there’s a religious camp I’m required to go to, yaaay...
and when I come back, I may be hooked up with a boyfriend against my will (my church is sexist remember), and I can only hope it’s someone from another country (this is a big camp heh) so it dies off quickly.
I also hope, though there’s a low chance, I get too meet my hero, he’s from one of the nicer subtypes of our religion, and he’s saved thousands of lives from abortion, which y’all know how strongly I feel about it.

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Whaleden o-o'

sooooooooooooooooooooooo weird stuff happened today XD there's a special event at the end of the course i chose to study. Every year there's a film festival where everyone submits their best works to be judged by professional and the hope to get recognised by a company. So i've won three awards for my 2d digital animation and stopmotion animation XD then got noticed by a local indie gaming company asking me if i want to do concept designs
oooooft today was very unexpected

If you put your hardest effort into your beloved work, you will get noticed by someone, it can be anyone, a famous well known person, a friend etc. Believe you can do it. Sometimes the unexpected will happen, like today XD

I thought i won't win something cuz there was so many good animations/films produced by talented ppl. But then, i won three awards and got noticed and i was like "what?" *-*'
welp X3X

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Whaleden o-o'

sooooooooooooooooooooooo weird stuff happened today XD there's a special event at the end of the course i chose to study. Every year there's a film festival where everyone submits their best works to be judged by professional and the hope to get recognised by a company. So i've won three awards for my 2d digital animation and stopmotion animation XD then got noticed by a local indie gaming company asking me if i want to do concept designs
oooooft today was very unexpected

If you put your hardest effort into your beloved work, you will get noticed by someone, it can be anyone, a famous well known person, a friend etc. Believe you can do it. Sometimes the unexpected will happen, like today XD

I thought i won't win something cuz there was so many good animations/films produced by talented ppl. But then, i won three awards and got noticed and i was like "what?" *-*'
welp X3X

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Ask me

Send an Emoji to the Writer!
(Credits to inked-foundry on tumblr, with each one of these I will draw them too)
Send one and I’ll respond with something about my WIP!
💪 — Who’s the strongest character physically?
🥺 — Who’s the strongest character emotionally?
🤐 — Who’s the quietest character?
💬 — Who’s the most talkative character?
👑 — Any members of royalty in your WIP?
🤕 — Which haracter ends up the most bruised (physically and/or emotionally)?
😤 — Which character is the feistiest?
🤫 — Which character is keeping secrets…?
😈 — Which character is the villain and/or antagonist?
🐶 — Which character is the most loyal?
👋🏻 — Which character is the most approachable?
🥳 — Are any of your characters a party animal?
🐣— Which character is the youngest?
🦖 — Which character is the oldest?
🦀 — Which character is the crabbiest/complains the most?
🦊 — Which character is the most clever?
🤣 — Which character is the comedic relief?
🌩 — Do any of your characters have elemental abilities?
🍗 — Are any of your characters the chef of the cast?
🌷 — Do any of your characters have a green thumb?
💍 — Are any characters in your WIP married?

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Oh my word

I passed 50? Ack!? Thanks so much y’all!
A quick note to new followers and friends and a reminder to older ones/ criticism is always appreciated. There may be some things I won’t change, but there’s a lot I’m willing to experiment with, and anything you suggest I will try and test out. Secondly, I tend to be gone on Sundays, but I try (tho I don’t always post) to have something I can post the next day.
To celebrate passing this I have decided to challenge you to something that should be ready in a couple days, involving my dog’s funny expressions. I also will work on being more professional via less vents, less myspaces, more traditional/digital art, and also following through with more of what I say I will do.
So, see y’all Monday, thank you all once again for your support.

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I finally got brave enough to ask my mom to order the John Laurens magazine!
And it’s coming!
And I’m so happi!
I don’t know a lot about preserving 120 year old documents, but here I go. Do any of you have any experience for preserving?
I thought this and
might be helpful. Like I said idk if any of you have experience in this but yeah lol.

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The birb collab info*^*

sooooooooooo, moar info about the collab
since moar ppl on here wanted to do a birb collab with me,i thought to myself after september, there's only three months left and isn't fair to anyone who wants to collab with me, heck it's a monthly birb not a daily drawing XD
I've decided that after i come back around 1st week of july from vacation, i'll start the birb collab *^* i'll select the person who is free in that month to collab with me or use the randomniser XD
The theme for july will be, God of the moon, havent decided which mythology to choose from, might go with the japanese mythology who knows lol
In short answer, birb collab starts in July and onwards til december this year *^*

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The birb collab info*^*

sooooooooooo, moar info about the collab
since moar ppl on here wanted to do a birb collab with me,i thought to myself after september, there's only three months left and isn't fair to anyone who wants to collab with me, heck it's a monthly birb not a daily drawing XD
I've decided that after i come back around 1st week of july from vacation, i'll start the birb collab *^* i'll select the person who is free in that month to collab with me or use the randomniser XD
The theme for july will be, God of the moon, havent decided which mythology to choose from, might go with the japanese mythology who knows lol
In short answer, birb collab starts in July and onwards til december this year *^*

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