插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang

Unavailable for requests (Contest in progress)
Face reveal..
  • > Cartoon anime People say that they immediately trust me upon seeing me, and they tell me all of their darkest secrets. I can see why ahah- I've been mewing since a fetus my friend

  • > Pong🌸 I have actually submitted for an interview at a modeling agency! Any moment now..-

  • > Itz_Liminal_alt Ah yes it's how I look strutting into the store, my head high with pride XD-

  • > 🅒🅗🅔🅔🅢🅔 (not very active) They say the preferred head shape is the heart shape.. But naw CONE SHAPE ALL THE WAY


Is 4 AM the new 3 AM?

Let's take a look at our notes..

Cheese has claimed that they and their family wake up at 4 AM on a daily basis..
There has been no further explanation to whether it is a ritual, or a strict rule of the house, or serves for an unknown entity.

Oly has voiced her thoughts on the fact that it's always 4 AM, not 4:01 AM, and while this is a good point, no victims have said the exact minutes in the hour 4.

Saero has decided to come forth and share her sleep schedule. Taking a look at it, waking times are 3, 4, 4:30, and 5. Assuming she wakes up at all the times equally, half of the time she wakes up at the hour 4.

VIVLZ has said, in a terse but informative sentence, "4am supremacy". Supremacy means, and I quote, "the state or condition of being superior to all others in authority, power, or status." VIVLZ has shown no more explanation, but they obviously know something we don't.

ramuné has posted a topic stating that she has had a dream of precise detail, featuring a sentence in the dream that could only be crafted by professional writers in a movie. Nothing has been mentioned on the time of waking up, or the time of the dream, but we can only assume that she slept past 4 AM, but dreamed it at least at 4 AM.

People have been in confusion relating to these events, but not to worry Artstreet citizens.. We'll FIGURE THIS OUT OKAAY?-

this is fun-


  • > GutlessFroggy Prime example of too much time on my hands XDD

  • This is so incredibly detailed should I be worried for you 🥹

  • > Muna Is Sketching... ok loll XD

  • > Katyarobot8 Look at my previous topic XD- That's what began all this-

I "submitted" to my own contest ahahahah

The song is Lowlife, which is in the desc if you wanna check it out!

I did another full illustration! The colours are.. a bit muddy but that happens a lot with my illustrations- I drew a BIKE! It's based on the Ninja 1000 I think. This whole thing took me a WHILEEE.. I don't think it did too well though. Maybe I posted at a weird time, but I think it's just cause it's a bit muddy, the character looks weird.. Too much rendering? Can't see a lot because of muddiness.. I overworked in it a bit. But hey, flopped posts happen, can't do much about it besides live on with life




Due to common life problems and stresses that every teen has, I have gracefully increased the time until the deadline for us to get a few less white hairs at an early age!

Deadline is now 31st of May!
I may post more often about the contest because.. I forget that there's the ADVERTISING part, and people are STILL hearing this for the first time XD-
So go forth and conquer!!


  • > Cartoon anime Yeah sure! Anything will be fine!

  • Quick question ^^ Do you accept paintings?

  • > Muna Is Sketching... X3

  • > 👾SÆRO_3Ø8👾 That's alright Sae! Can't wait to see it!

ArtSong Contest!

You guys have about one week left to enter your submissions!!
If you need more time, I gotchu


Deadline is 21st of May! Please remember to add the tag MunaArtSongContest, and send me a link to your submission!
Remember, if you don't have time to render out everything, that's okay! I like messy drawings, I just NEED MORE SUBMISSIONS IN THIS CONTEST DAMN IT-


  • > 🌒✨浪人✨🌘 YEYEEYE No problemo!

  • > Soulflamexu22 That's alright! I hope everything is okay with you <33


  • Hullo! I'm srry, but I'm going to leave the contest due to artblock and other life events. :(


It's ALMOST there!!
Just.. a little shove, a tiny push, just a nEH-
Even though everyone is a lot more... active.. than me- XD


  • > Hunter'sGrave2.0 =OOO THANK YOU! I've finally reached it XD I thank your friend as well! <333

  • It has been done :3

  • I think I got a buddy who if they decide to exist would love to give you that last follow >:3

  • > Cartoon anime I am homeschooled so I'm at home too, but I work and I spent a lot of time and energy in sports.. And usually I am tired and sore from sports, then I go to work and get ranted at by customers and I'm back home wanting to play RDR2 all day- XD Drawing can be relaxing, but I just don't know how to sit still most of the time- My mind wants to constantly FOCUS on something, and when I RENDER specifically, it's almost mindless. I'd enjoy that sometimes, going on for hours, but other times I just wanna SIT UP AND... GO DO SOMETHING-


The Japanese people here are so, so nice to eachother-
They have it all figured out mates- XD
Meanwhile.. here's us... gnorty scrumply fellas..
We complain so much compared to them pft- qvq


  • > 𝑬𝑽@ They are WAY less dramatic than we are pft- We aspire, we aspire

  • I went to Japan and they are SUPER polite. Everyone is quiet in the underground and it's a good thing They just are happy if u are happy with what they do, art is well seen there so that's why it also happens here, the English community like us, we have to be like them XD

  • > MrFlagada MMM That's a good point- I may do it when I'm older, cause I have SO many things I wanna do, I just wouldn't have the money XD- Unless I win some sort of travel lottery-

  • > Muna Is Sketching... Yes it’s very expensive 😭😭 but the mochi the plushies the ramen the hot pot and does octopus sticks o think its worth it


The deadline is now 21st of May!
So you have an extra 3 weeks to do your thing!
I was thinking of just 2, but lots of people have school and stuff, so I'll give 3 weeks!

Here's the contest if you have just heard about it!

Have some fun you guys! >=D
Thanks to all who have participated so far!


  • Ty for the deadline stretch! School testing hit me like Regina George and the diesel truck- (mean girls reference‼️) trying to get past Artblock to participate FRFR ⚰️

  • > 👾SÆRO_3Ø8👾 ITS OK! <33

  • > ✯*-.VIVLZ6670!✧꙳- OH YES INDEED gotta be included-


ArtSong Contest UPDATE 2!

We have 3 submissions now!
But the deadline is less than a week away, and I'm sure 10 people wanted to join, so there's either gonna be an explosion of submissions or people need more timeee
I will give u
I shall provide with more time => Because I am pure- But also because there are 5 places to be won and there's 3 people XD

Here's the contest if you wanna join!
I will have to decide on the new deadline, but I'll see what happens in the next 5-6 days =>


  • Omg yes! :D

  • > MrFlagada yes yes thank you, thank you

  • > Oddish Wow that speed - it’s on another level

  • > Muna Is Sketching... TOO LATE IM DONE

ArtSong Contest UPDATE!

We've got two AWESOME artwork submissions so far! Good job to Eva and Ein!



The deadline is the 30th of April, so hopefully we'll be seeing more song-themed artworks soon!
Contest: https://medibang.com/topic/212403251013053560008329881/

But yea, I've LOVED the artworks so far, so go check them out and jam to their songs while giving them a comment! (cuz why the hecc not mate??)


  • > Muna Is Sketching... WaWAwAwAwAwA

  • > 🌒✨浪人✨🌘 30th of April =>

  • > EinTheTransDemon yyEEEE

  • Augh I need to finish mine- When's the deadline-? ;D;

I'm so deformed aha

My ribs are crooked one minute, then I shove them back into place, and they say "bro wot stop" and move back to their weird position, and then I shove them back into place again and now it's crooked the OTHER way, and slowly, it gets crooked the opposite way.

I'm so schkrimply ahae
Yes I'm ok =>


  • > ★astro★ Yeah.. Physio is a bit annoying, especially when I had to keep throwing balls at the wall and catching them with one hand, which I am TERRIBLE at XD- I can't remember why I had to do that... Why did I have to do that?- But anyway, obviously there were other things, but I definitely preferred the brace bit-

  • > Muna Is Sketching... i got a brace which i wear pretty often but i tried physical therapy and it sucked

  • > ★astro★ Unlucky to not be apart of their boat qvq Was it physio treatment or brace treatment? I've had both done but I've only done them for a few months each-

  • > Ephixa That's good to hear that you're not in pain! When I discovered my very late scoliosis, it was pretty unbearable at times.. I really wish I could have discovered it earlier so that I could ONLY have to do physio or brace- I've had surgery now, but even today I still have to look after my back. No exercises, just stretching it out and that. I recommend you doing your exercises, don't end up like me XD- I'll probably need a 2nd surgery or something in the future-

Hey peoplez

Have you ever spontaneously (or planned about) cut your hair from long to short? And by short I mean below the shoulders/below the chin. Because I'm having some similar thoughts about my hair- And I reallyyyy don't want to regret my decision- So I'd like to know what the experience was like for any of you guys who cut their hair from long to short!
And if you do have short hair, what's it like playing sports? Does it get in your face too much?

Just to let you know, my hair is currently waist-length, the shortest it's ever been atm.. Never had short hair before-


  • > Muna Is Sketching... Ya that’s why you should search it up

  • > bluecatanimations I've never styled before.. The only sort of "styling" I do is sleep in braids XD I guess it will just all be trial and error until you find something that works for you right? I might have to look into heatless styling tools now- Or I can just try a normal curling iron pft-

  • > Muna Is Sketching... Ok but sometimes you will have flat hair but like I said it depends on what you use and how you style

  • > Muna Is Sketching... Well you also have to style you hair too, I was born with wavy hair and my hair shows it, but since I have a stylist she has a room and as my hair was being dyed, a old man popped in and asked if my sisters were my kids😭 and my mom was in that bathroom. So basically it all depends what you look like but he thought I was old

*giggles in adblock*

Okay no but seriously.. Medi has gone broke or something- They need contest money and this is their way pfT-


  • > ★astro★ Ohh that makes sense.. Because it takes a couple of secs to get out of it. Overall its an awful addition- I hope people complain about it in the japanese community!

  • > Muna Sketches I don't think it's glitch frozen, I think it just doesn't know what to do afterwards because it needs to display the ad but it doesn't want to because of the adblock

  • > ★astro★ Oof- My computer does get a bit slow for me when I click ok.. Imagine a site getting frozen JUST because of an ad-

  • i have adblock on my computer but it gave me the pop-up and when I clicked "ok" then it froze :/

Wanna do a...

c o n t e s t?

A good little fun contest!
Let's call it the 𝘼𝙍𝙏𝙎𝙊𝙉𝙂 𝘾𝙊𝙉𝙀𝙎𝙏!

Theme is simple, you just need to pick your own favourite song, and draw something based on that song or inspired by it!
Can be symbolical, metaphorical, literal, and everythingical. Just draw what you think the song would look like as art!

Here's some rules:
• Use the tag MunaArtSongContest
• Provide a link to the song in your description when you submit (preferably Youtube link, or if you use Spotify, provide the name of the song and artist next to it).
• You can write in your desc about what you were thinking when drawing the artwork, or you can leave it open to interpretation.
• Send a link of your artwork when you submit to THIS topic.

And of course, always keep the submissions safe for work.
My posts on this contest will always be topics.
I may also join in, but of course I won't be competing lel-

𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐄: 𝟑𝟎𝐭𝐡 𝐨𝐟 𝐀𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐥 (over 5 weeks)

1st: A request and a banner
2nd: Two requests (one of them needs to be shoulders and up)
3rd: A request
4th: A simple request (not detailed)
5th: A simple request (not detailed, shoulders and up)

Enjoy yourselves mates!


  • > Wolfmaster This is all for fun! but if you specifically don't want to compete that's alright, I'll be updating the deadline today so that everyone has more time =>

  • > Muna Is Sketching... Alrighty! Im so late lol, Ill probably draw this kinda for fun, but hey, song for booty shakin can be wobble😂 (I wont do it lol) But understood, no booty shakin song hah

  • > Wolfmaster It doesn't matter who sung your fav song! Just don't pick a song that talks about booty shaking mkay? XDD-

  • Rip me 😭 Ive seen this so lateeee 😭 mannn.. But seems so fun! Do it matter what band?

What do you get excited about? =>

Do you get excited about having friends? Living in the city? Going to a movie? Finally being alone at the end of your busy days? Do you get excited about learning to ride bikes? What are your excitements (or dreams?), You guys are all so interesting.. What do you think about..?

Sorry Im just curious- And weird too aha-
And I want to like.. talk to people.. To you guys.. Y'know?


  • > Muna Sketches Me too! but need to care for my health- About cooking, I want to try cook or bake something but MY mom don't trust my hands pfft- I wash them but she still say " you didn't wash them well" Like WHA-

  • > Babalon I do the same! But when I come back from work => OHH yes I love munching on everything- Do you bake or cook much? I really want to, and sometimes I do but it's like.. once a fortnight IF THAT-

  • > TheFanartFREAK Aaa same! But man it's been awhile since I've found an artist friend irl- Imagine though talking about all your fav things about art to your friend who is ALSO interested XD Rare thing for some reason- Aww! My aunt had chicks in her bathtub in a little chick habitat box thing- Reminds me of that! I hope tho one day I'll see chicks hatch! (My mum wants chimkins..)

  • > MrFlagada Ahh finishing the week definitely feels the best XD Especially when you get to binge on your fav videogames! You really like the chill stuff XD

Just in case you guys are curious..

This is how you work
I know how each and one of you work now.. ahah.. AHAHAHA...

Posted this just in case one of you needs it for reference, and I also posted this to say that I FINALLY LEARNED ALL OF ANATOMY! Took a year actually.. Yeah I'm slow pft-
The white parts are where the muscle don't really grow, so there's that!


  • > Muna Sketches HEHE I JUST GOT HOME XD

  • > 👾SÆRO_3Ø8👾 SAE GO BACK TO CLASS- XD Thank you! I am still confused on some muscle groups but eh- I'll get there XD

  • I'm in school XD Wow that's amazing

  • bah I already can spot a mistake o'mine

One of those special types...

Where they aren't an art thief but..
an art f a k e r..
It's called AI art but uh-

There's this person who posts AI so often, and they almost have 100 followers, and EVERY body loves them. One person even asked "How are you making this beautiful art so often?!" and the creator replies like it's DRAWN.. SO I don't think the creator wants it to be known it's AI..
I saw them a couple of days ago, but didn't want to spend energy on calling them out.. But they are pretty popular and they get so many positive comments y'know? And I'm PRETTY sure it's AI, how could it not be?!


I don't really want to start a fight in the comments about it, but I want to make this aware..


  • > ✨🎄TheFanartFREAK🎄✨ I don't know what to think anymore- I'm very unsure now, they're topics seem genuine..

  • > Ash Moonmoon Mostly the hair would look a bit crazy.. But mate now I'm feeling so bad- They seem so nice..

  • They deleted the post where you were asking them if it was AI 😭

  • I chatted with them asking No reply yet They are kind of chill with me so I asked nicely Waits or a reply f Rom them


Oly I have no idea what the cookie thing is-
What is it..? XD
It looks familiar..
Welp I'm not checking it
Dork Diaries was definitely the last little phase I had, it was only 4-2 years ago XD


  • La La Loopsies, Team Umi Zumi, Wii, Shopkins, PBS Kids, Pocoyo, Kindle, and Dork Diaries are all of mine lol

  • > Muna Sketches Ohh i see, see i thought it was shopkins but when i looked up the shopkins cookie it just wasnt the same

  • I used to watch videos of people opening Shopkins when i was little. And the wii was my whole childhood. Im glad you have that marvelous thing.

  • Youtuber is Cookie Swirl C I think


This was made in Blender, and I will link the tutorial!
(Linking part 3, the one I'm on)

Cool stuff


  • > Cartoon anime I need to get onto her design asap- XD

  • > Muna Sketches Oop-wodmwpkwwmsoksmddjmwwmjsmdjdisks AAa NOOO😭😭😭 It’s fine😭

  • > Cartoon anime wOT- I might've deleted her fullbody... uuuuuHHHH- Lemme give you a halfbody one instead XD https://medibang.com/picture/6x2204220925304890008329881/ I'll give you this Muna!

  • > Muna Sketches Ooooo can’t wait to see the redesign >:D i