일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

1 시간 / 일
바빠요 Always busy

awesomesause 님이 댓글을 남겼습니다!


I'm sorry I haven't been active, my tablet is crap and won't update Medi so I can't post anything, and I don't really like it here. Also, not being here has really helped me with my art, if you ACTUALLY GENUINELY want to know me better and become bffs then add me on these things

Minecraft: AwesomeSause_
Steam: AwesomeSause
Twitch: AwesomeSausee (I hardly stream cos of crap internet)
Basically the same for anything

It's been a fun adventure and I enjoyed seeing everyone grow and get better at art, and also become amazing people. I hope you all have a good life. Maybe if I get a better tablet I'll come back but circumstances are insanely bad for us here right now so it might be a while

By the way, how are you? I'm doing alright, a few hiccups but it's all good. I have an anthro shark as my fursona now, don't forget to always be yourself and all that shiz. Also maybe make friends with new artists that come here, cos they need a ton of help and this place feels like you either go big or go home so make em feel welcome smh

Well I'm done here, thank you everyone
I'm outta here sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh

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awesomesause 님이 댓글을 남겼습니다!


I'm sorry I haven't been active, my tablet is crap and won't update Medi so I can't post anything, and I don't really like it here. Also, not being here has really helped me with my art, if you ACTUALLY GENUINELY want to know me better and become bffs then add me on these things

Minecraft: AwesomeSause_
Steam: AwesomeSause
Twitch: AwesomeSausee (I hardly stream cos of crap internet)
Basically the same for anything

It's been a fun adventure and I enjoyed seeing everyone grow and get better at art, and also become amazing people. I hope you all have a good life. Maybe if I get a better tablet I'll come back but circumstances are insanely bad for us here right now so it might be a while

By the way, how are you? I'm doing alright, a few hiccups but it's all good. I have an anthro shark as my fursona now, don't forget to always be yourself and all that shiz. Also maybe make friends with new artists that come here, cos they need a ton of help and this place feels like you either go big or go home so make em feel welcome smh

Well I'm done here, thank you everyone
I'm outta here sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh

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awesomesause 님이 댓글을 남겼습니다!

Not this again! (Vent/Rant)

Trigger warning: Mentions of sensitive topics and swearing.

Remember how I said I always get so disappointed when someone I used to be a fan of turns out to be a bad person? Well, it just happened again! There was a memer named MrMrPizza, who now goes by Coraline Jones (like the movie character) who turned out to be a creep/pedo/groomer. Someone exposed him showing how he's 19 (legally an adult) and he was having a sexual conversation with a 13-year-old child on Discord. Like, why is it always the ones who you least expect to be like this are these people? Like I mentioned before, Ino, Kittydog, Nos Hyena, Stariaat, Mandopony and many others, now MrMrPizza. Why does this always fucking happen? Because of these toxic/insane motherfuckers, I feel like a fucking idiot and like I'm just as bad as them for how I used to be a fan of them all. I am so disappointed and disgusted with them all for all the bad things they did and I hope someday, they all get what they deserve. Those fucking pricks... I am so fucking disgusted right now.

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