I contemplated a lot about whether to even announce this here, but I figured I may as well!
December 7th, Monday, at 9AM Pacific Standard Time I will be launching a small online shop to sell some stickers, buttons, keychains and prints, to bring in a little income. I've been posting like crazy on my instagram and twitter about it, both @nassinthesky if you wanna check me out on those websites.
I can't add very many pictures, but here are a few of the products I'll be selling. Everything is bubble, star-filled and cute, so if you're interested in supporting my work and getting some really adorable products, please check it out! Thanks! ★
(New manga coming soon!)
December 7th, Monday, at 9AM Pacific Standard Time I will be launching a small online shop to sell some stickers, buttons, keychains and prints, to bring in a little income. I've been posting like crazy on my instagram and twitter about it, both @nassinthesky if you wanna check me out on those websites.
I can't add very many pictures, but here are a few of the products I'll be selling. Everything is bubble, star-filled and cute, so if you're interested in supporting my work and getting some really adorable products, please check it out! Thanks! ★
(New manga coming soon!)

WOAH!!! That's awesome!! I didn't realize one of the orders was you!! Thank you so much, I'm so glad it arrived safely!! Yes I love stars and I went all out hahaha sorry I'm just now seeing this but thank you so much!!
Haha, well I'm happy to support you! You're working hard and are producing something you love so it's awesome to see and be close to it! Thank you for your support as well! Youve been the same for me- no worries about advertising or anything, I figured I'd just let whoever's would see it on here know! And yes I definitely still do want to- that's awesome how much progress you've made!! I'll message you!
That's great to see, it's cool to take a step like this! If I can figure out how to get the online payment stuff working, I'll try to pick up some stuff from it. After all, you've given me nearly 2 years of really helpful support on here. I'll gladly return the favor when and where I can! I can't promise I'll be of any help advertising though, since I have about -5 friends and zero online presence. Which come to think of it, I probably should look into that for when I want to launch my own stuff, haha. But, I hope this shop site goes well for you.