I hate feeling alone. I saw my childhood friend's posts on facebook who now no longer considers me a friend, much less a best friend like before in elementary school, she changed me for another one called Nicol and the worst thing is that my former virtual best friend did the same with me. It hurts me a lot to see that kids my age have a better social life than mine, they go out to have fun while I spend all my time locked in my room. It really hurts me to see two best friends sharing things in common and laughing and stuff. I only have one friend that I talk to at school and I'm afraid that he will get bored of me or change me for someone else even though I feel that my best friend doesn't consider me as a best friend and I even think that he prefers Nicol over me. With my friend and I have a good time, we laugh and stuff but I feel like it's not the same, I would like to share interesting things with another person, talk about things in common and laugh too. I met a guy on Instagram that by chance we share some things in common but we don't talk daily, that makes me sad because I thought he was going to be my new and best virtual friend, I was quite disappointed so much so that I cried because he started acting weird with me. I kept looking for him and I want to keep looking for him but I wouldn't want to bother him, I don't want to be annoying with him. Maybe he has never considered me as a friend. Maybe he just considers me an acquaintance. I would like to talk to him but uhhgggg kms

You can also follow me on my Instagram if you want! I'm more active there: https://www.instagram.com/honey_bee.511/
- Cute
- Aesthetic
- Ugly
- Uglyohmygosh
He's so cute and silly
I want to sleep but at the same time no
I think i'm agender lmfao help
I really feel like I'm not being a good enough person, it overwhelms me, I've been like this for days and I don't know why. There have been days where I have felt insufficient for others. I would like to talk about this with my psychologist.
> ¡Reiden! You are very welcome. If you ever feel inadequate, look at the likes on your artwork.
> ~Phazon Corrupted~|DordusRising I have been empathizing with acquaintances. I felt inadequate again, felt I wasn't doing well and so on. Now I feel better, thank you for your understanding and support ❤️
Then don't wait to talk about it. It is better to talk about it than to hold it in.
Yesterday was my first appointment with my psychologist, I can say that it was also a good day and I felt a little relieved of all the accumulated stress.
I apologize to everyone for my previous nonsensical posts. I am a teenager, a bitter weirdo with sudden mood swings. My life doesn't suck , I have a mother who loves me and good friends in real life and online. I feel very ashamed for everything I have said and had said, it was not my intention to try to make you all feel uncomfortable.
My impulsiveness is a lot, I do things without thinking, probably avoid reading posts when I'm sad or angry.
> Austara Lynn Thank you! ❤️
> Eminoa IDK LOL sorry
What happend ?
im proud of you :)
Almost done!!
Today was a nice day!!
I'm going to draw something in this phone. I hope i can finish it !!
Many are probably unaware of this but i finally got to talk to a teacher about my current situation because I have been constantly getting tired and having to deal with freaking anxiety and that because of that I have been having emotional slumps. I was finally able to do so and I also explained to him about why I don't progress like the other kids in my school because of my possible undiagnosed ADHD he quoted me and my mom on Tuesday and really from that moment I cried for joy because e thought I was going to be another teenager repressed by society's ignorance again but not this time 😭😭. Another thing I wanted to talk about is that a friend told me that she felt sad because one of her friends calls her ugly but she thinks she doesn't mean it as a joke. I told her that this was psychological damage and that she should stay away from them, she said no and I respect her decision, everyone has a different point of view, she decided to stay there for fear of feeling lonely and I understand her because during these 3 years of pandemic I have suffered loneliness (and I am not the only one) because of the pandemic but I decided not to focus on making friends or others liking me, I have friends but few and with that I am satisfied, I am just trying to focus on my studies which I feel I am doing well. After that talk she told me something that I will never forget, she was a victim of sexual abuse during the vacations in December. When I heard that I was shocked I didn't know how to react I just asked her if she had told anyone she trusted which she answered no and that made me really sad because she is another girl who is afraid of being judged or that no one would believe her. So much so that since I got home I cried, cried and started to reflect because I am fortunate not to live experiences like that despite having lived traumas and that I considered myself a shitty person that empathy never left me. I could barely give her a hug although I feel it was not enough, I want to try to convince her to tell someone she trusts because she is a person like me who has feelings like us and I do not want her to keep quiet.
I really don't know what to do in situations like this.
Tomorrow I want to write what happened to me today, I was going to do it a while ago but I am very sleepy,
Is myself
that’s so adorableee :00
> 𝚅𝚒𝙶𝚖𝚒𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚆𝚜 Thank you!! 😭❤️❤️
this is cool I can't wait to see the finish artwork
I can say today was a really nice day.
I'm glad today was great for you!
This isn't sarcasm guys
I really really really really want to get away from her as soon as possible for my mental health but I just can't. I refuse to believe that she doesn't want to be my friend anymore, I refuse to believe that we are nothing anymore, I refuse to believe that she already traded me for someone better than me, I REFUSE TO BELIEVE THAT SHE ALREADY HAS A BRIDE, WHY HER AND NOT ME?!??1?1!1!1!1!1!12!!2! She just talked to me again and in the first few days I thought, wow, this girl still wants me to be her friend, but days of attention later she stopped talking to me. Now I feel like it's not worth it to continue that friendship but there is something that makes it so I can't just cut off the friendship. We've been friends for two fucking years but now I don't think we're anything anymore. I cut the friendship since October and I don't know how BUT HOW IS IT THAT SHE WROTE ME AGAIN I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT SHE SEES IN ME IF I AM NO LONGER ANYTHING ON THIS PLANET, I AM NO LONGER ANYTHING IN HER LIFE I DON'T KNOW WHAT SHE WANTED OR WANTED. I AM NOT GOING TO PUT UP WITH ANOTHER SECOND MORE AS SHE IS BETTER WITH SOMEONE ELSE, BRAGGING ABOUT HER FRIENDSHIP IN HER WHATSAPP STATUSES. I don't understand anything, I don't know how we went from talking often to only sending each other two messages a month. I don't understand what I did wrong, because I am a very boring person? I was never enough or someone special to you? I really hate you and I love you, I want to let you go but at the same time I do not. Thank you so much for being a very special friend throughout the pandemic (10/2020) thank you so much for taking the time to read my venting and give me advice but now you don't even do that. Now I am the one advising you and I took the time to read your little venting and now that I am venting, what do you do? Nothing, you just leave me in the dark. I don't understand why you make me suffer this way, just tell me why you don't love me like before. Just tell me why I have to depend so much on you if we're not friends anymore.
I feel lonely again
> ¡Reiden! Personalmente considero que no deberías dejar que ese tipo de personas hagan que te sientas así, yo también e pasado por eso y aún me sigue pasando, pero eso no importa, creo que deberías ignorar a esa clase gente, y si quieres ganar unos cuantos amigos te recomiendo que seas tu misma, o que intentes resaltar en algo que te gusta como dibujar, créeme que habrá más de una persona que le interesará lo que haces, la verdad no se si este consejo te funcione, pero espero que sepas que yo siempre voy a considerarte como mi amiga <3
> Blue xd Es q siento que los amigos q tenía en 2do de secu ya no me consideran una amiga, simplemente me dejaron de hablar y el grupo que tenía de amigas no me quieren cerca por q creo q les causó enviada por mi cuerpo (3 de ellas tienen sobrepeso) y he decido alejarme de ellas. Y otra amistad q tengo a distancia ya no me escribe seguido y eso me pone triste. Estoy tratando de socializar en internet por que es mi único método para no sentirme sola porque en la vida real soy pésima socializado, no puedo iniciar una conversación. Ahora digamos que tengo como 3 amigos q solo hablo. Intenté tener otro grupo de amigos pero no, uno de ellos no quiere que esté cerca de ellos, simplemente no se que hago mal para que no pueda ser su amiga.
Por que? <:(
Dude, I don't know why I'm having trouble relating to others I literally have a hard time starting a conversation. This is freaking me out I don't know if it was like this before but I don't think so. I'm afraid to tell my sister or my mom about this I'm afraid my sister will get mad at my mom for thinking she was a bad mom when I feel like it's all my fault. I feel like people don't like me or wouldn't want to see me. I don't know what I need to do to stop feeling this way. I think I got off to a bad start this year.
> ¡Reiden! Waos :0, co razón a mi no me funciona xd
Idk es solo mi opinión creo
> Blue xd Ahhh es que al principio si quería hablar en español pero me di cuenta que siendo hispanoamericano en plataformas pequeñas cómo estás no iba a crecer rápido y me di cuenta que iba a crecer más rápido si me pasaba a la comunidad inglesa, y así fue.
> ¡Reiden! Es que como tu biografía? y varios dibujos tuyos están en inglés supuse que hablabas ingles xd pero bueno no hay nada que agradecer :) solo espero que te sientas mejor ;D
Why don't they all go fuck themselves? Imagine wishing happy new year to someone and they reply you in the worst way and not even a "thank you" They are motherfuckers. The one I wished happy new year to was a guy who supposedly is very much in love with me lol but I didn't bruh him and he responded badly and it really affected me a lot because the whole afternoon I was sad like that and I don't know why. I think that when someone I have some affection or trust insults me in any way I take it very badly and possibly end up crying for a while, it doesn't happen all the time. I guess I have become more psychologically vulnerable since I suffered cyberbullying a year ago. Idk I only when I'm nice and they respond to me in a nefarious and hurtful way possible I start thinking about what I did wrong and cried. All this time I thought I was over that trauma without a psychologist because going here to a psychologist costs a lot of money and more if you are from a poor family. I never told anyone about this only a trusted friend but she is from another country. What can I do? Nothing I guess let time pass and think that the wound was never there.
I wanted to talk about this with my friend but she and I hardly communicate because she has better friends than me and only I am someone from the gutter or like a parasite on this miserable planet and apart from that when I talk to her it is to vent or tell her things that happen to me but not almost always and the truth I feel very uncomfortable writing to her just to vent again with her and I don't want to bore her .
I changed my username again. I'm emo now 🕴️
Sorry for coming back like this. I wanted to vent because I am a miserable person yes, I feel lonely, I feel like I can't fit in easily with other people, I feel like my friends I am like a burden when I am with them or they don't consider me their friend. I feel like I don't even have friends anymore, my only and best friend from childhood started to treat me ugly just because of my looks plus she is low self esteem because she is overweight she has been liking it(? Picking on me for my physique because I am thin and I am afraid to approach her and other friends (? Overweight because I think they will do the same to me. I can't even spend 5 minutes with my friend and others because of that, I can't socialize like someone normal but it's hard for me plus I have no interest in socializing in real life, I only like to make friends online because it's much more comfortable and on the internet you meet people with your same tastes, etc instead in real life no, maybe yes but not with me. I try to socialize on the internet because as I said before, but I can't, I simply can't start a conversation with a stranger with certain tastes similar to mine, I just don't know what I have. For me it is sad to see a group of friends at school because of how they have a good time and talk to each other every day. It is sad because everyone can have a best friend or a simple friend. According to me I had enough but what I consider everyone friends is hard, my childhood friend treats me horribly sometimes, one of my friends treats me ugly just for being less intelligent (? I don't know what I have to do to please others, that I think they feel good around me or by my presence, I don't know what I have to do to fit in with others for some reason is that I like to socialize on the internet than in real life, because I am a fucking introverted bitch or asocial. Yes, I have good friends but I only wish I had a best friend online or in real life I just don't like to feel lonely. These last few weeks I don't know which group of friends to hang out with at recess but I guess I already found another group of friends that I've known since second grade.
> 🐾 🇴🇱🇱🇮🇪 🐾 ignore that part, it's true that I had a moment of anxiety again
> ✦LemonPie! oh i'm glad you feel better XDD-
i'm extremely sorry you're going through that idk if this helps but i can relate a ton. at work, i literally avoid the waiting room (waiting for your shift to start) when there's too many people in there (and no chairs to sit on that are away from people), like, i was considering just waiting in a bathroom stall until my shift lol. and whenever someone actually talks to me, i get really scared that i might mess up or say the wrong thing, so i all i ever really say is "hahah.." just that stuff. so... i have an idea of how you feel, and i know it aint the best feeling. it can feel really hard to fit in, and be yourself around other people without messing up or embarrassing yourself. but... i hope things lighten up for you, i really do. i dont really know how to help, but... just know there's millions upon millions of people who are also introverts and suffer the same feeling, dunno if that helps, either XD- but i wish you the best of luck out there ;w;
Sorry guys, I think I was in a moment of anxiety, anxiety because I wanted to immediately make friends online but thinking about it, I won't get anything like that. I don't gain anything from feeling and thinking like this. I remembered that friends are not the ones who share things but the ones who support you in your difficult moments OMG 😭 I feel so much better now LMAO BYE
I was relaxing drinking coffee and chatting on discord in my laptop but because I was an idiot the coffee fell all over my keyboard. What I did was to clean the coffee but I didn't turn off the computer it turned itself off within minutes now I don't know what to do. Pls help I don't want to tell my mom because she will beat me 💀.
> 💥🎸𝚃𝚎𝚍𝚍𝚢 𝚁🐻𝚂𝚂🎸💥 my laptop is dead
> ✦LemonPie! Oh ok also same
> ⭐️🎄𝚃𝚎𝚍𝚍𝚢 𝚁🐻𝚂𝚂🎄⭐️ Maybe but later I'll tell my sister to help me and probably she wants to kill me
I miss you all.
His name is Cristopher.
Uhh vent. I've been feeling very sad for days. I feel like everything I do is wrong and I don't know how to do things right. My mom leaves me abandoned to be with a fucking 48 year old gentleman and all ugly and horrible like a fucking ogre because she can't handle the loneliness of the trauma my grandmother left her at 12 years old (she has abandonment traumas). I hate feeling like my friends don't consider me as their friend, yesterday one of my friends pushed me off the stairs at my school but it was my fault because I started first and also they made fun of me for having small breasts. I feel like my "friends" hate me for the way I am, I am not able to love myself I would like to accept myself but no, I can't stand myself and I want to change. And now I'm here, it's 10:01pm eating alone because my brothers are adults and don't live here anymore and my mom is over there. In conclusion my life is sad and miserable, I wish I was 11 years old again.
> Lala colors Muchas gracias<3❤️
I'm sorry that you're going through this I hope everything gets better soon for you And please be careful with those "friends" stay safe 💛 :(
I feel like I'm falling apart little by little.
> 𝚅𝚒𝙶𝚖𝚒𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚆𝚜 Awww thank you so much I too wish I had a better life and emotional stability but for a while now I started behaving like a maniac on the verge of insanity loloo
Hey guys, my old "friend" who had child pornography stored and manipulative? Well I want to be friends again because according to him I was his best friend and I feel bad because he is also incapable of making friends because of how weird he is just like me (except for his fetishes ew) so what should I do? According to him he wants to apologize but I'm very spiteful and I don't know aiskfdia help.
> CherryArtsOwO I know, we aren't friends anymore, i just blocked him. I'm fine now, i don't need virtual friends for now
> ▪️ ɴᴀʀᴜᴅʏɴᴇ • ᴋᴀɪᴛᴏ ▪️ The translator translated it wrong but I hope this time I'm not wrong. He told me that he apologized to me for what he did to me but I didn't forgive him I just blocked him and that's the end of the story.
> Eminoa I never wanted to be a friend with him again the stupid translator he translated everything wrong lol apologies.
Bro u weird af if you become friend again w him, im just saying that-
A little doodle! 👀👌✨
Happy Artist's Day!! I am very happy to be part of the artist community! I am glad to know how much I have improved in this long period of time and I hope you and you will improve over time with practice. I am not very proud of this little doodle because I feel that I did not put much effort into it and I should have done better but anyway, Reach +100 followers on Instagram!! I don't know how but I haven't been checking this cell phone because on October 2 they got me a new phone but I don't know whether to open another Medibang account again. I feel very happy because I have been part of this small community in Medibang, thank you very much for being patient with me, god forgive me a lot school keeps me busy but I have an Instagram account that is full of doodles if you like you can follow me! I'm like: @cloudy._.411
Anyway, thank you very much for reading this whole bible I suppose, I hope and everyone can improve in their practice as an artist, stay away from anything bad and try to have mental stability 💀 I love you so much 😭😭❤️
> TheFanartFREAK🎃 H
Pls guys don't ignore me I need attention and help 😂💀😭
I am deciding to break up with my best friend right now but not elsewhere because when I feel bad she is the only one I go to and she always supports me but she doesn't text me all day anymore and it's been like this for a few months now and I feel like this is a weight on me and I don't know what to do, what should I do?
> ✦LemonPie! I'm happy for you :D
> CherryArtsOwO Don't worry, I'm done with this friendship, I finally feel free.
hate how this is litteraly me- i gave up on being friends tbh- i have to keep changing myself just for someone to talk to me, But im always here if you need anything or wanna talk. Im sure other people on here will do so also.