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Anatomy tips from ours truly


I’m not a professional or anything but I've noticed some people have trouble with anatomy and I've compiled a list of tips that helped me and that I've noticed :)) again- I'm not a professional so any of these could be wrong. I hope this helps those if u who struggle:0

- shoulders are a big part. If you make them too wide or high up the character looks tense and it’s a mistake a lot of people make. You can look at references that show how the shoulders are positioned! I find the slouchier the better

-hands go down to mid thigh. It’s just good to keep in mind because when arms look too short it can mess things up.

-try drawing a V shape where the pelvis is. It can show u where to put the legs :0

-hIpS. Hips go further out with females, which I find is easier from there to draw legs for them then males. (But males still have hips!)

-If u draw each section of a limb separately, you can see where the elbow/knee will be. Those junction points are usually higher up than people think I believe.

-make sure to distinguish the thigh from the calf. Some people draw just straight lines for legs and it can make it look stiff. 

-Hands are as big as your face, (almost) meaning that usually hands are bigger than u think. Making hands too small can mess up the drawing a bit

-A random ear fact that I didn't know until grade 9 art class ohmygod- ears go from the bottom of ur nose to mid eye

-The top half of your torso is usually wider than the lower half. At least with more slim figures. I've noticed with masculine bodies, usually people will just have a very straight body. Masculine bodies still have a chest! If u wanna make them kinda lean, drawing kinda a triangle for their chest helps. The upper torso widens for the broad shoulders.

-wrists usually thin out near the ends! Distincting the forearm from the hand by thinning out the wrist can help the character's hands look more bEnDy

That's all the tips I can think of! I hope this helps people, and I hope this also shows how I draw my anatomy :]

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Anatomy tips from ours truly


I’m not a professional or anything but I've noticed some people have trouble with anatomy and I've compiled a list of tips that helped me and that I've noticed :)) again- I'm not a professional so any of these could be wrong. I hope this helps those if u who struggle:0

- shoulders are a big part. If you make them too wide or high up the character looks tense and it’s a mistake a lot of people make. You can look at references that show how the shoulders are positioned! I find the slouchier the better

-hands go down to mid thigh. It’s just good to keep in mind because when arms look too short it can mess things up.

-try drawing a V shape where the pelvis is. It can show u where to put the legs :0

-hIpS. Hips go further out with females, which I find is easier from there to draw legs for them then males. (But males still have hips!)

-If u draw each section of a limb separately, you can see where the elbow/knee will be. Those junction points are usually higher up than people think I believe.

-make sure to distinguish the thigh from the calf. Some people draw just straight lines for legs and it can make it look stiff. 

-Hands are as big as your face, (almost) meaning that usually hands are bigger than u think. Making hands too small can mess up the drawing a bit

-A random ear fact that I didn't know until grade 9 art class ohmygod- ears go from the bottom of ur nose to mid eye

-The top half of your torso is usually wider than the lower half. At least with more slim figures. I've noticed with masculine bodies, usually people will just have a very straight body. Masculine bodies still have a chest! If u wanna make them kinda lean, drawing kinda a triangle for their chest helps. The upper torso widens for the broad shoulders.

-wrists usually thin out near the ends! Distincting the forearm from the hand by thinning out the wrist can help the character's hands look more bEnDy

That's all the tips I can think of! I hope this helps people, and I hope this also shows how I draw my anatomy :]

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