イラスト・マンガの投稿&SNSサイト - アートストリート(ART street) by MediBang

ronin [lurking]さんがコメントしました!

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ronin [lurking]さんがコメントしました!

Artsong Contest RESULTS!

1st Place: Oddish

2nd Place: Ollie

3rd Place: Eva

4th Place: Pong

5th Place: Ronin

1st: A request and a banner
2nd: Two requests (one of them needs to be shoulders and up)
3rd: A request
4th: A simple request (not detailed)
5th: A simple request (not detailed, shoulders and up)

Annnnd a couple of honourable mentions!
I decided to add some medals and ribbons on the drawings, and then stars for the mentions. Please put your requests in the comments here!

Congrats to EVERYONE! And amazing work!! All the songs were wonderful, I loved the relation between the artwork and music =>


ronin [lurking]さんがコメントしました!

Wanna do a...

c o n t e s t?

A good little fun contest!
Let's call it the 𝘼𝙍𝙏𝙎𝙊𝙉𝙂 𝘾𝙊𝙉𝙀𝙎𝙏!

Theme is simple, you just need to pick your own favourite song, and draw something based on that song or inspired by it!
Can be symbolical, metaphorical, literal, and everythingical. Just draw what you think the song would look like as art!

Here's some rules:
• Use the tag MunaArtSongContest
• Provide a link to the song in your description when you submit (preferably Youtube link, or if you use Spotify, provide the name of the song and artist next to it).
• You can write in your desc about what you were thinking when drawing the artwork, or you can leave it open to interpretation.
• Send a link of your artwork when you submit to THIS topic.

And of course, always keep the submissions safe for work.
My posts on this contest will always be topics.
I may also join in, but of course I won't be competing lel-

𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐄: 𝟑𝟎𝐭𝐡 𝐨𝐟 𝐀𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐥 (over 5 weeks)

1st: A request and a banner
2nd: Two requests (one of them needs to be shoulders and up)
3rd: A request
4th: A simple request (not detailed)
5th: A simple request (not detailed, shoulders and up)

Enjoy yourselves mates!


ronin [lurking]さんがコメントしました!


Is 4 AM the new 3 AM?

Let's take a look at our notes..

Cheese has claimed that they and their family wake up at 4 AM on a daily basis..
There has been no further explanation to whether it is a ritual, or a strict rule of the house, or serves for an unknown entity.

Oly has voiced her thoughts on the fact that it's always 4 AM, not 4:01 AM, and while this is a good point, no victims have said the exact minutes in the hour 4.

Saero has decided to come forth and share her sleep schedule. Taking a look at it, waking times are 3, 4, 4:30, and 5. Assuming she wakes up at all the times equally, half of the time she wakes up at the hour 4.

VIVLZ has said, in a terse but informative sentence, "4am supremacy". Supremacy means, and I quote, "the state or condition of being superior to all others in authority, power, or status." VIVLZ has shown no more explanation, but they obviously know something we don't.

ramuné has posted a topic stating that she has had a dream of precise detail, featuring a sentence in the dream that could only be crafted by professional writers in a movie. Nothing has been mentioned on the time of waking up, or the time of the dream, but we can only assume that she slept past 4 AM, but dreamed it at least at 4 AM.

People have been in confusion relating to these events, but not to worry Artstreet citizens.. We'll FIGURE THIS OUT OKAAY?-

this is fun-
