插画・漫画投稿&SNS网页 - ART street by MediBang

Sewer Monster 2.0点赞了!

Elements of Art (Critique) #2

This art is from bluecatanimation!

I will be talking about Shapes, and also a tiny bit of Space too!
I like how the character's shape is sort of based on triangles, and maybe even stars! The shapes here look very sharp! Like the hair, tail, teeth, ect.
I know this is not an OC, and I dont know what this character looks like in the show- But I still wanna mention how bluecatanimation kept that sharpness and didn't shy away from it!

Now I wanna talk a tiny bit about Space. The thing I would fix in this drawing piece is the background. Texture is great and all! But the texture here makes it really hard to see this awesome drawing, and I think that if you added only a few glitter or splats or sparkle lights, whatever they're called, but coming UP from the bottom, I think you would be able to see the character much better!
You always want to have some space in your drawing, as it gives your eye a RESTING place, y'know? And also, space will emphasise the main subject of the drawing.
The main colour of the background could be changed to be less saturated too! Because it's almost matching the character's main colour. I really like the light and shadows in the background though!

But yeah, that's my lil observation- Thank you for sending this art! It's an awesome piece! >=3


Sewer Monster 2.0点赞了!

WHA + Question!

On the 19th will mark 5 years on medibang for me! That's-that is so weird to think about O-O
This topic is mainly wondering if I should do anything for the ✨five year✨ mark, anything sound fun to y'all? A QnA, requests, adopts, DTIYS, old art redraws, just an apreciation post, hell I could let ya'll roast the shit out of my old art idk bruh lmao- etc etc.
I will say probably not a contest tho I am very bad at organizing those.
I'm asking in advance both because more convenient than the day-of and I'm oddly excited and...honestly surprised I made it this far? Not even in terms of like followers or whatever that doesn't matter just surprised I manage to have so many supportive people and get my art this far. Hell this started as a hobby now I'm genuianly considering going into art school and becoming a character designer.
Thanks guys :) it really does mean a lot.
Ok sappy stuff over, if anything sounds fun let me know if not that's cool lolol


Sewer Monster 2.0留言了!

WHA + Question!

On the 19th will mark 5 years on medibang for me! That's-that is so weird to think about O-O
This topic is mainly wondering if I should do anything for the ✨five year✨ mark, anything sound fun to y'all? A QnA, requests, adopts, DTIYS, old art redraws, just an apreciation post, hell I could let ya'll roast the shit out of my old art idk bruh lmao- etc etc.
I will say probably not a contest tho I am very bad at organizing those.
I'm asking in advance both because more convenient than the day-of and I'm oddly excited and...honestly surprised I made it this far? Not even in terms of like followers or whatever that doesn't matter just surprised I manage to have so many supportive people and get my art this far. Hell this started as a hobby now I'm genuianly considering going into art school and becoming a character designer.
Thanks guys :) it really does mean a lot.
Ok sappy stuff over, if anything sounds fun let me know if not that's cool lolol


Sewer Monster 2.0点赞了!

Serious question

I updated Arthur's reference sheet and I'm debating on if I should post it or not. I'm generally just assuming y'all are probably done with me posting an updated version of his reference sheet, most of which have minimal changes however this one does have changes, mostly with the sprites, I also slightly redesigned him (mostly regarding the scar on his face and trying to show the fact that the scar..... Is a scar and not just a cute lil marking on his face or something) so now I gotta ask, should I post it?
