일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

Kazecoo 님이 댓글을 남겼습니다!

And so I find myself

Crying because of how heartbroken I am at the failure of our (Grace and I’s) last attempt to keeping up our relationship
Over three scoops of straberry ice cream
Whcih i our strawberries in
And while sipping strawberry Fanta
Because when I get really upset this is what a become 🙃

So pretty much she’s scared of her mom and was trying all week to butter her up to letting me over, working hard at school and on 4H, and she waited until the night before, right after her mom got in a fight with her dad. Chaos ensues and Grace gets anger taking out on her. I hate her mom with all my being.
Am I too cold? What if stepping away isn’t the right choice? She does want me to stay, and I want to stay, but I’m getting more and more hurt with every one of her mom’s crap...

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Kazecoo 님이 댓글을 남겼습니다!


Even if i tried and tried and tried i always had to be the one to be so interesting and special to people because of my art and talents when really i was nothing but a humiliation and filth towards everyone i met and saw. I always thought i was better than everyone else because of how much i was praised but really i was nothing but a narcissistic miserable fool. Im so sorry but...i couldn't help but tear, cut, and shred away all my art and things away...dont ever do this...dont ever tear away the things you worked hard on...im such a humiliation and pain to everyone...im so sorry...

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Kazecoo 님이 댓글을 남겼습니다!


Ive been trying so hard to make a good gift for her and tried to make professional things
And they all end up horribly
I have three different wolf sketches that I got to coloring and they all ended up becoming the below because my dog keeps stealing and eating my preferred supplies so I’m left to regular pencils and no highlights or pens or anything
And I have so little time
She’s so perfect at everything and is just stunning
And I can only do one thing which is art and not even that well
I tried making origami flowers for her but they suck too
She’s down so much for me and made me so many things and poured herself out for me
And I can’t make her the simplest thing at all
Guess I’m a failure....

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Kazecoo 님이 댓글을 남겼습니다!


Ive been trying so hard to make a good gift for her and tried to make professional things
And they all end up horribly
I have three different wolf sketches that I got to coloring and they all ended up becoming the below because my dog keeps stealing and eating my preferred supplies so I’m left to regular pencils and no highlights or pens or anything
And I have so little time
She’s so perfect at everything and is just stunning
And I can only do one thing which is art and not even that well
I tried making origami flowers for her but they suck too
She’s down so much for me and made me so many things and poured herself out for me
And I can’t make her the simplest thing at all
Guess I’m a failure....

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