Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

I’m free I don’t really do commissions but i do requests so

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Calling all animators

Weather you use you gachalife, MMD, or any animation program I'm looking for someone who can animate my series Animal Girls for me just to warn you it's gonna have many seasons so ya if you like to do this comment below please. I cannot pay you real money but I'm mainly hoping I can find someone to do it for free but if you like I can reward you with art, deviant pts, basically almost everything but money if you'd like to help out please link some animation examples below please thx. Also you'll only need to animate every summer so you'll get a break. (Just to also let you know this is not a official show it's just for fun)

I'm also looking for someone to do the intro for Animal Girls too let me known below and show animation examples please.

Have anice day ~Madoka-Neko/PikaChibiChuGirl

Link to journal:…

Also if you can please share this on like IG,FB, etc and if you do link add the link to my deviateart journal please

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Hey there kiddos its you local toaster here to just bring in some of my life news

Main story of today is...
I graduated today! (oh hecc yes) I was pretty scared/excited but I almost slept during the grad ceremony- BUT my summer offically has started and im 100% bored and its only been a couple of hours 😎👌👌

Other minor/sub stories is that my sister is gonna take me to a pride parade this year! (Im finna excited for that) + The weather over here has been decently crazy seeing as hail just randomly appeared during the day and it was 100% crazier on memorial day (1 or 2 tornados between my state and a neighboring state, hail, and some heavy rain)

Well that's all I have for today kiddos happy pride month and have a good rest of the day/night/whenever your reading this
(This is some art I made today of my children + hail - even though its nothing special I thought I could just throw it in)

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Im feeling a bit better lately...
I was like.... looking back on video's from a while ago..... i took silly video's with my friends and pets and my brother, and i seen how sick i looked. I realized how happy i used to be on medibang (and when i people called me the myspace queen because i posted non-stop). Im sorry if now im dragging down the mood, i wont be myself for a while.
I keep waking up, i have alot of things on my mind rn.
Im sorry for hiding the anorexia thing.. even worse when i came back i didnt give an explanation of why i left, i just covered it pretending i was ok. I didnt suspect smth was wrong and no one else did because i seemed so happy, till it hit me what i done to myself, when i was at the doctor i explained my symptoms and i was told im anorexic. Before when i stopped feeding myself thought i was doing the right thing, i was obviosly not. Thats why i was never really a sad person because my problems never really brought me down so i kept being the happy person i was. I hope i can return to myself, the happy me who posted nonstop..
Im trying my hardest to make art.....i have something a work in progress, two things actually. I havent posted in ages im sorry 😐

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Ack I still have to deal with Finals, but then after that I'm home free. Hopefully I can actually finish all the stuff I've started (or not, I'm lazy) but these past few weeks have been packed with tests and packets and just a ton of homework in general.
So here's a smol rundown on whats happened:
-- ok well Star vs. The Forces of Evil ended May 19th and I've been in a small depression since then because that show was my childhood and I've been really sad to see it go.
-- I'm working on another book series (ok guys I'm actually dedicated to this one though, I swear 😂) It's a series about a Skywing and and Icewing with firescales and icescales. The first Arc is short and it's called "The Firescales; A Skywing Story." The 2nd Arc is currently being worked on and it's named "Opposites". The 3rd Arc is "The Icescales; An Icewing Story." Which I'm still debating if I should still do that Arc but eh.
-- I want to finish some of the comics I've started, like the Miraculous Ladybug one I have started. Or maybe atleast redraw it because I hate the style I made it in. So expect plans like that for the Summer.
-- I'm still working on AMVs, PMVs and Animation Memes, they just take longer and I haven't had the time. The Peril one I have is still a sketch 😂 I also started one about Moon and Winter but I'll save that for when I upload it to youtube.
-- Idk if I've told my medibang followers yet, but I now use my instagram and I post at least once every week. I don't really have a schedule, I just post when I feel like it. It's galactic_flow.10 on Instagram.
-- I've also gotten a DA account now, it's just named Galactic-Flow but with a hyphen inbetween 😂 I don't post there very often.
I think that's about it, idk if there's more I'll write later.

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Issues and health problems

So i wanted to inform you guys about this for quite awhile now so...heres whats going on...I've been dealing with Cyclothymia which is similar to bipolar but is less intense but..really its worse..if you dont know what it is then you can look it up...with this happening to me i always and everyday cry for no reason and some reasons, this causes me to have major depression and emotional highs and lows...this effects on how i socialize and my personality...then today i had a slight seizure from twisting stomach cramps from my period...i could barley later i took some medicine for it and almost choked to death and vomited constantly always sick and unhealthy with my sleeping schedule and Mental Health. So later on I tried to fake a smile so I can make it but that was because I didn't know how to make any friends because of how I was acting back then but seeing how many friends I've made it's really surprising on how they are so supportive and caring about me after everything I've done that I regret so I'm here to say this before I go on break. I'm sorry for everything I did I wish I could have been a better person I'll be back soon I just need to get a hold of myself. I'll see you guys later I love you guys take care.

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All jokes aside.....why did i really go

I know im just spamming myspace with crap, and rants, maybe like one good thing....
But why did i actually leave
Truth is im not well........
Ive been hiding it saying "oh doctor said im fine" "i might look sick but im not im okay!" And shit like that. Im a 6'0 female who weighs 45kg! Im obviously not a healthy weight. I hide alot of shit, from my parents and my friends. I act like im ok, but im not. Beauty standards make me sick, over here your only pretty if your skinny, but if your too skinny, your also up there with the heavier people. I didnt eat to become perfect, i wanted to feel good. My breaks are because of school, and my focus on recovery. My bmi (i know, not the best way to discover if im ok) was 13.6, somebody my height should be 140lbs to 183lbs! My knees would point through my legs, you could see my ribs and hibones, my face was so slim and my spine, dont get me started. This is such a private matter to me, not something i thought id ever share, ever. But ive built up courage to say it, you all deserve the truth..
I have recovered, im still a bit boney but now i can say i weigh 139lbs, normal. I wont ever go down that road again, ever.
I better stop before i drown myself in tears...

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I just wanna talk to someone :)
I am no longer a highschool student, and in my next birthday im going to be 20!! 😱 (19 in western years), 19 is adult in korea, and i am 19 right now! Im no longer a teenager but due to not being on here for a while i dont know if i told anybody or not or if i posted on my birthday the 13th october (i think i did... yeah i did i posted about my first time drinking). I graduated while i wasnt on medibang and ife has been hectic, the big transition from highschool to university.
How is everyone? Are you guys well? ^_^

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