Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

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Muñecos de fieltro

Hola a todos! 🤗💖💕!.
Hoy no hice absolutamente nada, lo siento 😅!.
Me desperté tarde, y no tenia ganas de levantarme, me quedé escuchando música y mirando fotos jaja. Me distraje y me di cuenta de que ya eran las 18:30 hrs de la tarde.
Nisiquiera tome desayuno 🥴💦!.
Así que ahora comeré algo y creo que me tomare este día como descanso, quiero ver películas y relajarme jaja 🤣😂!.
Y encontré fotos de unos muñecos que hice de fieltro. Una amiga hace muchos años atrás me enseñó a hacerlos, ella los hace para vender y me pareció divertido aprender 😊❤.
Hice estas figuras y después me quedé sin materiales!. Me habria gustado continuar pero nunca tengo dinero 😅. Algún día quisiera retomarlo jaja.
No estaban tan mal para ser principiante, verdad? 😆💖💕

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check out my dolls
I painted them when I was 9 💀💀
lemme introduce you to both of them (they don’t have actual names)

we have pink hair and purple hair- im pretty sure pink hair was originally some kind of howleen doll? and purple was definitely a clawdeen- I remember when I got these from the thrift store just to paint cus I was WAYY too addicted to those ‘doll makeover’ vids back in 2020 😭😭

pink hair was just a simple face repaint with an outfit my mom sewed together and I added a “belt” (string) with a green button to compliment her eyes- but purple hair was more complex, she got an entire REROOT done on her head with yarn and her outfit was just a repaint of an old doll fit I had- and she also got a face repaint— looking at them now they don’t look as bad as I thought they would but definitely not good 😭😭😭

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What I think of people

I've done this before and I'll do it again
because it's Saturday
and I'm feelin awesome, awesome enough to bring back a trend-

TheFanartFreak: You're an awesome sport and honestly a HUGE part of our dilapidating Artstreet community! Your memes are pretty funny too ahah-

KimbariShiruba: You are so sweet to everybody! You are also very creative with your art, and you bring such good positivity to this place <33

astro: I don't talk to you much, but I feel like I've known you for a year- and maybe I have XD- But yeah, you seem pretty cool!

Phia: I am jealous in a good way- XDD CAN I TAKE YOUR CHARACTER DESIGNING SKILLS? Borrow at least? XDD- jkjkjkj- But yes you are very amazing at designing characters, and just drawing in general! You make character designing seem so easy, then I try and design, then fail- XD But you are also a super cool person! Let's not forget that-

Madz: You are also a very big part of Artstreet! Though for some reason I don't talk to you as much?- Maybe you aren't as active, but you seem so cool to chill with!

JenJen: (=ↀωↀ=)
If I talk about you, it will be a whole other topic. XDDD- YOU'RE BLOODY AWESOME!

Eminoa: A bit of a scary gal, your confidence overwhelms me but I accept it- XDD Your art tho might be the CLOSEST artstyle to mine XD

Kebby: The cooliest of the cool, but I am scared to talk to you sometimes- Yes we are getting into the SCARY PEOPLE CATEGORY-
But it's probably just me, I'm just shy, and weirdly... scared of you- Your coolness is scarily cool

Though I think I've improved apon it, and I'm more scared of Kebby than you. Becauuussseee I've probably known you for longer. But I think it's just that you're as cool as Keb, which is VERY high coolness..

Tortellini: You are FUN! I think you are so lovely to be around and also, I LOVE seeing your art improve again and again! Awesome artist >=3

Ev@: I think you've really grown up since last year! Last year you sounded pretty young, but now you are cool to be around! It's pretty nice talking to you!

Saero: You are one of my BESTIES! And I don't have many besties y'know- XD You are so positive and really lovely to be around! Good luck on your Youtube! <33

Sam: wHErE aRE uUUuUU! Q^Q

Cartoon Anime: This, this is one AWESOME person (and artist) to talk to, and be FRIENDS WITH- She's such a good sport to be around! She's slightly crazy but I love the craziness- XD

That took so long- XDD
I 100% didn't talk about EVERYBODY that I wanted to talk about, but this topic is already so long (or feels so long-)
Part 2 maybe?.. Not sure- I'll just see how this goesss

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Somewhat repost

To get it out of the way would anyone be interested in coloring pages from me? Free to download and color and post on here just credit me. I thought I'd repost cus most people didn't see it lolol-
OG post:
Soooo for context in my home-county we have a local event where there's music and street vendors and food trucks and blah blah blah, well my boyfriend suggested we could totally just get our own booth and sell my artwork with stickers and posters aaaannndd....coloring pages/books.
As for the actual question would any of y'all be interested in coloring pages if I make any? They wouldn't be hyper detailed [or I'd at least try to not make them hyper detailed-] just coloring pages you'd be free to download and color and post here if you'd like.

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