일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

Nass 님이 like 하셨습니다!

Still Around and Kicking

Yep... I'm still working on my projects, and sorry for the lack of stuff posted here, I just have not been in the mood for any drawing lately. It's just a slump that'll pass eventually, but I've not given up.
The first volume is being chipped away at like a giant marble sculpture, and like so the time will come where I can finally pull down the curtain to reveal it.
Don't worry, I'm not getting sucked into the infinite hole of perfectionism that many fall prey to in this field. It's just that I have a standard that needs to be met before I'm willing to sign off on the first volume, because it needs to make a really stellar first impression, as the selling point for the series to come.
I know it's been a little radio silent all around, which I take to mean everyone else is hunkered down working away on their own endeavors, so I hope you're all faring well. Just keep at it, and we'll eventually get to the point where we can proudly declare projects as "done!".

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Nass 님이 댓글을 남겼습니다!


I contemplated a lot about whether to even announce this here, but I figured I may as well!
December 7th, Monday, at 9AM Pacific Standard Time I will be launching a small online shop to sell some stickers, buttons, keychains and prints, to bring in a little income. I've been posting like crazy on my instagram and twitter about it, both @nassinthesky if you wanna check me out on those websites.
I can't add very many pictures, but here are a few of the products I'll be selling. Everything is bubble, star-filled and cute, so if you're interested in supporting my work and getting some really adorable products, please check it out! Thanks! ★
(New manga coming soon!)

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Nass 님이 댓글을 남겼습니다!


I contemplated a lot about whether to even announce this here, but I figured I may as well!
December 7th, Monday, at 9AM Pacific Standard Time I will be launching a small online shop to sell some stickers, buttons, keychains and prints, to bring in a little income. I've been posting like crazy on my instagram and twitter about it, both @nassinthesky if you wanna check me out on those websites.
I can't add very many pictures, but here are a few of the products I'll be selling. Everything is bubble, star-filled and cute, so if you're interested in supporting my work and getting some really adorable products, please check it out! Thanks! ★
(New manga coming soon!)

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Nass 님이 댓글을 남겼습니다!


I contemplated a lot about whether to even announce this here, but I figured I may as well!
December 7th, Monday, at 9AM Pacific Standard Time I will be launching a small online shop to sell some stickers, buttons, keychains and prints, to bring in a little income. I've been posting like crazy on my instagram and twitter about it, both @nassinthesky if you wanna check me out on those websites.
I can't add very many pictures, but here are a few of the products I'll be selling. Everything is bubble, star-filled and cute, so if you're interested in supporting my work and getting some really adorable products, please check it out! Thanks! ★
(New manga coming soon!)

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