Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

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Since I got older this month

I'm thinking about getting another social media platform where I can post stuff, but I really can't decide :,)

My choices are
TikTok(where I'd show my drawings on paper and maybe SpeedPaints)
DeviantArt (I'd basically repost the same stuff that you see here)
YouTube (Idk I might post SpeedPaints and animatics)
Pinterest (I'd post edited drawings and moodboards, maybe photos)

They all have different pros and cons tho
TikTok: I'd post a lot of stuff tbh, but some irl friends of mine follow me on there and I don't want them to see- plus TikTok is not quite the best social media for artists, so getting recognized will be pretty hard :(
DeviantArt: a platform made just for artists, it would be great if it didn't become an awful site full of nsfw, thieves, and if DA didn't take advantage of the artists from its platform by using their artworks for AI generators without their permission, and I would post the same stuff as here tbh
YouTube: I would be pretty inactive cause I'm not really into animating, and also YouTube doesn't promote artists, especially animators, and has a lot of terms and conditions and I'm scared of my account being taken down-
Pinterest: I would gain many followers on there and I'm pretty sure I'll find a lot of thieves and I'll get doxxed if I start posting stuff on there

So ye I still need to decide -w-

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crappy ref concept on chrome canvas

Vex Raymond (generic evil bastard)

age: 25

mechanical arm (only one.) (on his left arm.) opens up to reveal a gun
he has two main outfits, his main outfit (being re-designed currently) and the generic black suit with a red tie.

he can see through TV screens and surveillance cameras. he can create portals, and can summon small objects at will, such as his phone, his knife, a photograph, ect.

(random stuff)
-gay evil bastard
-can't stop the voices in his head (partly canon I can't decide yet)
-will only use a gun if he HAS to.
-weapon of choice is a knife (swords work too I guess)

-sister, name: Salem Raymond, age 21
-brother, name: Jax Raymond, age 20
-mother (dead) Heather Renai, age 39 when she died
-father (dead) Jon Raymond,age 46 when he died
both Vex's mother and father were shot dead when he was 15.

thx for reading some of his lore ^^

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