Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

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Some Disney Universe tips (Part 1)

I'm not sure how many of you still play Disney Universe or have even heard of it, but for those who might have started playing it again or for those who have just started (The game's making a comeback so there are more new people playing it), here's some gameplay tips that might help. 1: Regardless of what costume you use, you'll be able to upgrade your weapon. Try to find the hidden key in each area of the level as quickly as you can. There's a sparkling key hidden in all three areas of each level that will allow you to unlock a chest that contains a glowing blue star that will upgrade your weapon, helping you to deal more damage to HEX's robots. 2: HEX will put tons of enemies in your way to slow down your progress and keep you from advancing to the next area in the level. Sometimes, these enemies will come in big swarms. From my experience, a good way to quickly get rid of multiple enemies at one time is to play a challenge. HEX will also leave arcade machines throughout the level for you to play a challenge. Whether you win or lose the challenge, after you're done, more times than not, those enemies that were giving you a rough time will be gone and out of your way. 3: There are two trapped Guests in each level so you'll need to play through certain levels more than once to unlock new characters/costumes. 4: Be warned that in some of the levels, there are really hard boss fights against AUTO (WALL-E), an evil mermaid (Pirates Of The Caribbean), Scar (The Lion King), faulty doors (Monsters Inc.), Jabberwocky (Alice In Wonderland) and Jafar (Aladdin) so when you get to those boss fights, be ready to have your patience tested. It helps if you have a maxed out costume in the fights against AUTO, Jabberwocky and Jafar. But don't let that discourage you at all. Just land as many attacks, slam attacks and uppercuts as you can and do whatever else you have to do and you'll be fine. Try your best not to rage too hard, by the way. 5: When you're up against a Brute, Bulldog, Roto or Spawner, grab one of the power-ups VIC leaves around the area for you. They really come in handy. Keep in mind that while it may seem like HEX tries to help as well, he's the main villain in the game so he's really trying to slow down your progress and test your patience. 6: Some challenges are harder than others so don't feel too bad if you end up losing. At some point, you'll win if you play it enough times. Be patient. 7: Try to save up your Gold for new levels first then spend what you have left on new costumes. Each new world that contains new levels costs 2,000 Gold while costumes are only 400-600 Gold. So save up as much Gold as you can and unlock more levels first. 8: Use a different character each time you play a level to see how many you can max out. There's an achievement in the game called "Ultimate Cosmic Power" which requires you to max out all your costumes in order to unlock it. (At least, that achievement is on the XBOX version. Not sure about the other ones, though.) 9: In the Door Factory level, there's a door that can only be opened by entering a certain color code. There are three computer screens you can interact with that three different shapes in red, green and blue. Match the colors on the three mini-screens with the ones on the door and you'll find a blue star to upgrade your character. You'll find that door when you first start the level so try to upgrade your character before you start attacking the bosses. The highest level your costumes can reach is Level 4 so if you have a newly unlocked costume and you use it in that level, upgrade your character first then play though the rest of the level. I know I probably made the game sound more difficult than it is but hopefully, these still help. Let me know if you need more gaming tips and I'lk post more topics related to those games. 💖

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Another vent but there's no Impostor

So, Grandma's finally home but it's been kinda hard. We can't leave her alone so Mom and I have to take turns watching her. I haven't done as much as Mom has but it's still been taking a toll on me. I had to miss my art class today because we can't leave her alone. It's like my therapy so I'm upset I had to give that up. I don't get as much time to take care of myself as I used to in the past. My sleep schedule is wack, I have my days and nights mixed up, I've been feeling drained. I haven't done as much as Mom has when it comes to taking care of Grandma but I still feel drained. She still has little bouts of confusion now and then and that's frustrating. And I hope you don't think any less of me because of this, but I've been using age regression as a coping mechanism (If you don't know what it is, there's TikTok compilations on YouTube that show what it is.) I don't regress to the mindset of a child, I just do things like coloring and watching cartoons and listening to songs about unicorns. Because of everything going on, I feel like I haven't been able to do that anymore. Another thing that helped me a lot was meditation. I used to listen to this one meditation that used a rose quartz stone on YouTube. But a friend of mine said not to use stones like rose quartz or whatever because it was Satanic. I mean, I'm a Christian but I don't see anythibg wrong with it. I was doing it innocently. And they mentioned gemstones in the Bible. In one of the books in it, a high priest wore different gemstones on his breastplate/armor. I don't like how I have friends who mean well but always shove their beliefs down my throat, acting like their way is the only right way. Anyways, meditation used to help me a lot but I unintentionally gave up on it. Gaming is another thing that helps me cope with stress and Disney Universe is one of the games I like to play when I'm stressed but since my XBOX is downstairs and that's where Grandma is, I've been too afraid to play it again because I don't want to too involved in the game and forget about her needs. I honestly feel like crying right now because it's only been two days that she's been home but it's been really hard. I've been giving up on things that helped me cope (unintentionally this time, though) and I'm really stressed. I just want things to go back to normal. I just want to be happy and stress-free again. IS THAT REALLY TOO MUCH TO ASK?! I won't be able to see my friends at art class or Youth Group if we can't find anyone else in the family to watch her so if we can't, that means I have to give up on social outings that helped me to de-stress. I hope I'm not sounding selfish here. I was going to post some vent art but two things have been getting in my way. 1: Artblock has been a bitch lately.
2: I don't want people thinking I'm trying to start drama like someone said when I posted my vent art for when someone on Brawl Stars fat-shamed me in front of the whole Club. *Cough* Wolf! *Cough* I'm too afraid to vent in general sometimes because I'm worried Wolf or someone else will keep being insensitive and say that I'm only starting drama.
I can't do this anymore! All of this is too much for me to process at one time and with trying to care for Grandma and myself, I've been trying to find that balance but sometimes, I just can't seem to. I miss my friends, I miss being stress-free, I miss things being normal, I miss doing the things I used to enjoy doing. I didn't give up on them intentionally this time, though. It just happened. I don't know how much longer I'm going to have to keep living like this but I don't feel like I'm strong enough to keep going. (I'm not feeling suicidal, btw. I just mean that I don't know how much more stress I can take before I have an emotional breakdown.) I hate how I feel like I'm neglecting myself just so I can care for Grandma. I know I've given you all advice saying to make sure that you take care of yourself so you can keep caring for others but I wish it were easier for me to do that myself, especially now. Sorry that this is so long. I just have a lot to get off my chest. If you made it this far, thanks for bearing with me.

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Another vent but there's no Impostor

So, Grandma's finally home but it's been kinda hard. We can't leave her alone so Mom and I have to take turns watching her. I haven't done as much as Mom has but it's still been taking a toll on me. I had to miss my art class today because we can't leave her alone. It's like my therapy so I'm upset I had to give that up. I don't get as much time to take care of myself as I used to in the past. My sleep schedule is wack, I have my days and nights mixed up, I've been feeling drained. I haven't done as much as Mom has when it comes to taking care of Grandma but I still feel drained. She still has little bouts of confusion now and then and that's frustrating. And I hope you don't think any less of me because of this, but I've been using age regression as a coping mechanism (If you don't know what it is, there's TikTok compilations on YouTube that show what it is.) I don't regress to the mindset of a child, I just do things like coloring and watching cartoons and listening to songs about unicorns. Because of everything going on, I feel like I haven't been able to do that anymore. Another thing that helped me a lot was meditation. I used to listen to this one meditation that used a rose quartz stone on YouTube. But a friend of mine said not to use stones like rose quartz or whatever because it was Satanic. I mean, I'm a Christian but I don't see anythibg wrong with it. I was doing it innocently. And they mentioned gemstones in the Bible. In one of the books in it, a high priest wore different gemstones on his breastplate/armor. I don't like how I have friends who mean well but always shove their beliefs down my throat, acting like their way is the only right way. Anyways, meditation used to help me a lot but I unintentionally gave up on it. Gaming is another thing that helps me cope with stress and Disney Universe is one of the games I like to play when I'm stressed but since my XBOX is downstairs and that's where Grandma is, I've been too afraid to play it again because I don't want to too involved in the game and forget about her needs. I honestly feel like crying right now because it's only been two days that she's been home but it's been really hard. I've been giving up on things that helped me cope (unintentionally this time, though) and I'm really stressed. I just want things to go back to normal. I just want to be happy and stress-free again. IS THAT REALLY TOO MUCH TO ASK?! I won't be able to see my friends at art class or Youth Group if we can't find anyone else in the family to watch her so if we can't, that means I have to give up on social outings that helped me to de-stress. I hope I'm not sounding selfish here. I was going to post some vent art but two things have been getting in my way. 1: Artblock has been a bitch lately.
2: I don't want people thinking I'm trying to start drama like someone said when I posted my vent art for when someone on Brawl Stars fat-shamed me in front of the whole Club. *Cough* Wolf! *Cough* I'm too afraid to vent in general sometimes because I'm worried Wolf or someone else will keep being insensitive and say that I'm only starting drama.
I can't do this anymore! All of this is too much for me to process at one time and with trying to care for Grandma and myself, I've been trying to find that balance but sometimes, I just can't seem to. I miss my friends, I miss being stress-free, I miss things being normal, I miss doing the things I used to enjoy doing. I didn't give up on them intentionally this time, though. It just happened. I don't know how much longer I'm going to have to keep living like this but I don't feel like I'm strong enough to keep going. (I'm not feeling suicidal, btw. I just mean that I don't know how much more stress I can take before I have an emotional breakdown.) I hate how I feel like I'm neglecting myself just so I can care for Grandma. I know I've given you all advice saying to make sure that you take care of yourself so you can keep caring for others but I wish it were easier for me to do that myself, especially now. Sorry that this is so long. I just have a lot to get off my chest. If you made it this far, thanks for bearing with me.

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