Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

RightsNighty left a comment!

wtf do i do

i'm seriously torn between leaving or staying for a little longer
i m e a n ,,
everyone else is either gone or inactive af, including myself. yeah my art's improved but this site has gotten progressively worse
it's kind of become a hu uuge joke

ik i'm editing my profile and all that shit but fr i don't feel like posting art anymore
plus i have school and i have 4 AP classes and an honors math class, along with clubs and other stuff i do outside of school
to make it short

i'll prob be gone permanently by tomorrow
thanks to everyone who cared

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RightsNighty left a comment!

I might leave

1. Once again, I haven’t been able to post in months
2. I’m no longer getting notifications about anything. I can tell people have been posting MySpace’s by going to topics but they don’t show up in notifications.
3. I’m tired of the set up here.
However, I am heartbroken actually. I love everyone on this site, and I’m really sad to think I might lose some friends. Please, if you can, come join this server I’ve made just for Medibang folks. Invite everyone you can. I might hand the control over to another person if they wish to join as well.
Please join, I’ll be really sad if no one does.

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