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Goddess of the Moon
Now that i'm done drawing said cake...i hunger for cake..
LOL such an awkward stupid post...BUT it's necessary xD
I should do more cake drawings *^*
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Goddess of the Moon
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Ive been trying so hard to make a good gift for her and tried to make professional things
And they all end up horribly
I have three different wolf sketches that I got to coloring and they all ended up becoming the below because my dog keeps stealing and eating my preferred supplies so I’m left to regular pencils and no highlights or pens or anything
And I have so little time
She’s so perfect at everything and is just stunning
And I can only do one thing which is art and not even that well
I tried making origami flowers for her but they suck too
She’s down so much for me and made me so many things and poured herself out for me
And I can’t make her the simplest thing at all
Guess I’m a failure....
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Ive been trying so hard to make a good gift for her and tried to make professional things
And they all end up horribly
I have three different wolf sketches that I got to coloring and they all ended up becoming the below because my dog keeps stealing and eating my preferred supplies so I’m left to regular pencils and no highlights or pens or anything
And I have so little time
She’s so perfect at everything and is just stunning
And I can only do one thing which is art and not even that well
I tried making origami flowers for her but they suck too
She’s down so much for me and made me so many things and poured herself out for me
And I can’t make her the simplest thing at all
Guess I’m a failure....
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Goddess of the Moon
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Goddess of the Moon
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[AT] Kalux
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[AT] Kalux
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posted a new artwork go check it out XD finally made it in time lol
> AliSushie> AliSushie> AliSushie LOOOOOOOL XD
DUDE!!! YYYAAASSSS!!!!! BY THE NAME OF THE MOON!!! (I had too sorry :) )
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Goddess of the Moon
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Goddess of the Moon
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Goddess of the Moon
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Goddess of the Moon
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For almost a month (OUCH), I had serious art block, like SERIOUS. Nothing I drew looked right or if I did draw, nothing inspired me to do anything. But, I've finally drew something "decent" enough to post it online. Look into my Gallery to check it out. Thank you!!!
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little green owl
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Goddess of the Moon
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Ok so I’ll take this down eventually, but I realized how rarely I actually swear, so I was going through some prhases to see what it would suggest besides the actual swear.
As much as I type strawberry, (asking my mom constantly for strawberries, strawberry Fanta, strawberry jam, strawberry yogurt, and so many other things straberrry look it’s an addiction ok)
I am not entirely surprised
posted a new artwork go check it out XD finally made it in time lol
> AliSushie> AliSushie> AliSushie LOOOOOOOL XD
DUDE!!! YYYAAASSSS!!!!! BY THE NAME OF THE MOON!!! (I had too sorry :) )
Goddess of the Moon
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owo oof
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Nobody asked on my actual post soooooooooooooooooooooooooo
yis listen to this holy awesome soundtrack, its just motivational and gives sooooo much energy to do something 0^0 literally been spamming this to get a drawing done, i just simply adore Hiroyuki Sawano's work (also i love the anime Gundam Unicorn itself XD)
Then there's Banshee, the dark version of Unicorn owo
And other thing, ever just forget how to draw something and u just blankly stare at the screen, then try to find other artworks you've done and try to copy that even tho you've forgotten how to do it lol
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Sry for the spam but should i draw more of those lil sugar babies? [ the sugar kiwi ]
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OC: Rngness-sama
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OC: Rngness-sama
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Last night my lovely girl and I talked for a full hour from 11-12 and after she explained more about her Injury (my suspicions were correct about her amount of pain) we had a really good convo! I think her mom is loosening up now for some reason 😆
And I might be able to sleepover at her house Friday (which means cuddles) and go to our youth group, Kaleo, which I haven’t been to in ages. It depends if she can get eight math lessons done in three days, but she’s done more than that, and she says she’s going to try hard on it to have her mom allow me over. (One of the interesting homeschool family types you’ll meet lol, pretty rare tho)
The only problem is I want to make her / buy her a late birthday present and I have no clue what to get...
You better be happy because you made me hungry 😂