Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

2025.02.26Important Notice: Service Transfer of "MANGA Plus Creators by SHUEISHA"
Still steadily inking every day! Medibangs in a bit of a slog but with all these contests I'm excited to see people's work! I'm sure there will be some amazing submissions! Keep working hard, everyone!!!
Here's some sketches I did on breaks, I'm almost halfway done inking but I wanted to post something! I dont know, I'd expect most people have stopped waiting for my manga by now, since it's been months. I too thought id be done by now... in fact the original deadline was march... but im a beginner so it really doesn't impact my success... I'm just glad to still be working hard on it! I know I'm slow. Thank you so much for supporting me! Have a good night and keep drawing!

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Pioneer Artist Nass
MediBang ID: Nass

Mangaka in training

  • CREATOR RANK CREATOR Nass 5 years ago

    > Brojack
    What fortuitous timing! I just posted it! So, I can confirm that i DID die, but I got it done early, even! Three all-nighters this week. This is my third. Not in a row, or else I'd be decimated but I pulled out all the stops!
    I'm not a great judge of shojo either, but I hope it's girliness and weirdness don't offend your shonen sensibilities too much.. As shojo goes, it's not great, and I was incredibly unsure about posting it but... My mom liked it, so...

    Anyways, enjoy your down time!!! Working on fundamentals is vital, definitely. I can't wait to see what your next oneshot is like, though!