Social Networking Site for Posting Illustrations and Manga - ART street by MediBang

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Functions I wish medibang would add:
- add like button in timeline again qwq
- Edit comments/messages
- checking the notification page automatically makes all notifs read
- Fix annoying gif glitch
- Delete messages in private/group chat
- Tagging people in posts/comments
- views update all the time instead of daily
- option for dark mode
- make usernames unique to one person only
- tags have a more relevant use

Pretty sure there’s more but that’s all I can think of rn

also they mentioned in their latest contest they’re on the verge of bankruptcy so that’s sad :c

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Hi everyone, sorry I didn’t do a proper Easter post. I was just celebrating with my family! Anyway, I’ll be posting a collab that I did on Tuesday and then I’ll probs be going on hiatus cuz I’m getting super tired and I want to enjoy the rest of my holiday. I’ll still be active on medibang but I won’t be posting new art for at least a week. Anyway, I hope y’all had a nice Easter, bye!

Ps: pls do the “what kind of artist am I” thing (sorry, I’m a bit behind on trends).

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