일러스트・만화 투고&SNS사이트 - ART street by MediBang

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Tw: mentions of sh

Mom, all I ever wanted is to receive any emotional support from you. I don't need those damn reverse psychologies and I hate it when you compare me with others. You never really encouraged me, ever. You never said "it's just a mistake and it's fine making mistakes, you can use them as a guide to do better next time", instead you kept saying "'A' have better grades than you." "Look at 'B', you used to get higher grades than her but now she's got higher grades than you!" "Your classmates always finish their homework quickly, why can't you do it?" "The children in our church are kind and hardworking, why can't you be like them?"
And even those stuff that doesn't really need to compare me with, "'C' was shorter than you, now she's a lot taller you" "'C' looks really pretty, why can't you take care of your looks?"

Because you kept saying those stuff I began to have a mindset that I'm nothing! I'm a lazy brat that couldn't finish anything I'm working on, I'm a dumb student that doesn't get high grades like others! Every time I get motivated and actually try to do something productive, those things enter my mind and I end up quitting before I even make any progress. Why are you wondering why I'm always acting so tough and why I can't be honest with you? You never knew anything about me! You never knew I had a vulnerable side, I'm always getting hurt every time you tell me that everyone is better than me and I'm the worst child ever, and every time you say "I'll just drop you out of school because you're not being serious with it" I know you never really dropped me out but that still hurts a lot! I love studying but every time I get motivated you keep discouraging me and telling me that I can't do it because I'm basically a bad person. One time you even encouraged me to cut myself because you knew I couldn't do it! You kept saying that I'm being overly dramatic every time I cried so I really hated when I cry and was always avoiding to do it yet here I am, being "overly dramatic" again. You keep hurting my feelings and disguising it as a form of discipline but it never worked, right?
I tried to be sincere but before I even start to explain you yelled at me once again and I feel really bad for thinking you would listen and probably hug me but I remembered that you never really did it and I'm just fooling myself into thinking that you would. Deep inside I wanted to spend more time with you and apologize for everything, I really wanted to hug you because you never let me hug you or anything.

There's just one simple thing you could do to gain my respect back but you never really did it. I love you but I just really hate how you "discipline" me, you know? You just never listened to people's opinions nor you ever tried to understand their feelings, especially to me.

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Im moving in august :|| yayyyyyyyyy new people yayyyyyyyyyy new state yayyyyyyyyyyyyy closer to family.... I just realized im going to havw to break up with evelyn,.....

Tw animal deatg and sh

Also im.not rockking and on the brink of relapsing because earlier I was looking up pictjres of red foxes (my most present theriotype) and I fukign saw an image of a guy proudly holding a red fox he had hunted and it was bloody n shit and im going to fucking cry I have such a pit in my stomach over that picture right now I literally cannog handle the death of foxes it sends me intk I do t know what to call it a frenzy? J dunno im gonna cry

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shenanigans honestly

my bird has just found out he can fly from the windowsill to my head (usually he does not because the ceiling is sloped and a bit too close to the top of my head so it has spooked him though he has tried) and now he is casually flying back and like 'hehe >:> Even when you sit down i cannot be escaped hehe'
i dont even know if he c o u l d do this before
he just wanted to before cause either he likes me or the shiny computer lol, but he'd always fly away before landing anywhere
proud bird parent moment

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So like- watching the new Amphibia episode, The Beginning of the End, spoilers and a rant? Or vent- most likely a rant and vent- I have a lot more to vent about but I won’t spill it out on one topic-

in the beginning, it shows Marcy stuck in a dream, and it shows that the trio is having a sleepover at Marcy’s house, watching her favorite movie- and she explains the ending within a rant because of how much she loves it, Sasha us on her phone and Anne is next to her not really caring, WHICH I DEEPLY RELATE TO MARCY- and like, Sasha and Anne fall asleep after an interruption, a p i l l o w fight- they just kinda block Marcy out of the picture at a sleepover- lemme get a link to the clip so it makes sense https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vzYo97L9g50

I mean like Sasha physically says that she doesn’t care, Anne agrees with her, and Marcy brushes it off, I RELATE TO THIS SOOO MUCH-
BECAUSE- my friends don’t really talk to me or they just don’t care, that’s why I spend almost my whole day here- I try to talk to them about my interests, they don’t listen and they just start talking over me about Heartstoppers or something- I listen to them and I guess they can’t do the same, ( I mean, I know Heartstoppers is a great show and comic series but it’s also cool to talk about other things-)

The only friends I have is just one friend group, I always kind of blame myself if they don’t want to me or if I don’t say something funny, if I lose them, I kinda lose the friends I have at school- they kinda push my interests away, like owl house for Amphibia or even comics I read-
I really just want to interact with people at school that I can trust, or be funny with, or even have the same interests, s o m e o n e T h a t a c tu a l l y c a re s- I mean, I already feel bad about myself because of my elementary school best friend- she doesn’t even acknowledge me anymore .,.

I thought I already have my life long friends at school, I guess I was wrong? Do I even deserve school friends at this point- am I annoying? Is there something I’m doing wrong? Do people hate the way I am or look? I can be a better person- I can try, man- making this topic is just- 🫥

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